Day 5: Music Bank @ KBS Building, Apgujeong and Gangnam

Ugh wordpress deleted this post so i’m annoyed :<

Anyway… The day of Music Bank! Zenn woke up perfectly on time today LOL

We had a quick breakfast and headed over to KBS Building for the roll call! It was confusing because they said red pillar but the whole building was full of red pillars! 😦 We took about 15 min finding the elusive pillar and finally found the fan staff gathering the fans. There are different groups of fan staff for the different kpop groups, ours was for SM The Ballad.


Our numbers for Mubank!

They told us to go back in and come back in an hour’s time, so we went in to get some coffee while Shaun took a nap LOL he lived pretty far away from here so he had to wake up early 😦


What I was wearing that day :< usuallly sufficient on a normal winter day but that day was super chilly and windy.


Waiting for the delayed broadcast! :<

Finally after some wait, they gave us lightsticks and let us in!! Yay! Hearing them live was really awesome despite Taeyeon being sick and sounding a little hoarse. They professionally finished the recording in one try after just one practice and that’s kinda sucky to us tho cuz we waited that long to hear them sing twice 😦 We behaved very well and didn’t make too much noise haha. It’s kinda a rule to follow the Koreans’ culture.. sometimes international fans behave badly and that annoys the crap out of them. During the briefing the staff were also saying please stay seated, no photos, no shouting etc esp to international fans lol.

Get well soon Taeyeon!

After the music show we went to a ramen shop opposite and IT TASTED SO GOOD FOR A PACKET INSTANT RAMEN COOKED WITH NICE STUFF


❤ Ramen! This shop is apparently popular because it opens 24/7 and A LOT of artists go here to eat after recording at KBS. Autographs everywhere!


The shop opposite KBS!

After the music show we decided to go Apgujeong and Gangnam! I was excited because i was always curious of Gangnam. I was a little bit disappointed though because it as very… normal lol. Oh yes heads up, SM Entertainment building is in Apgujeong so we decided to be tourists and take touristy photos at the building.


Come to think of it i haven’t taken many photos of myself. Time for more shameless selfies!


Kaypo-ing the backyard of SM Entertainment LOL. Judging the cars and wondering which belongs to who etc


As we headed out to Gangnam area, we saw FNC Entertainment by accident lol. i think they are in charge of CN Blue?? Idk.


This is how Gangnam looks like. like i said, i was a little disappointed. It’s just pretty much a city area similar to Tokyo haha. But prolly where my parents would LOVE to stay in haha.

We went home early on Day 5 to get a good rest as Zenn needs to be up early!


When we went home we met this girl called Lindsey from Wisconsin! She is a damn cool person haha. She was damn excited that night because she was gonna go out to party for the first time. Invited us along but we declined as Zenn needed an early night’s rest! The bunch of them together with the hostel host were going to hit some bar. She is a really cool person, like idk what other vocab to use but ‘cool’ cuz she really is. She came here knowing no Korean and decided she’d just wing it. Lol. But she picks up Korean really fast! 😀 She’s eternally cheerful, energetic and so eager that you can’t help but smile when you talk to her.

Her last name is ‘Lepak’ so i was telling her what it means in Malay and she said ‘that describes me perfectly’. (Y)

2 thoughts on “Day 5: Music Bank @ KBS Building, Apgujeong and Gangnam

    • Hi Fei! I’m sorry I can’t remember any iconic landmarks to help you locate the exact place 😦 I only recall it’s opposite KBS and it’s amongst a row of eateries/restaurants. It should be the shop at the end of the row, if I’m not mistaken.

      Hope you find it!

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