The Past Week

Phew where do I even begin? See this is the problem of not posting day-by-day posts, i easily forget what exactly i did the past few days. Need to start getting back into the habit, i still want to have a blog i can look back years from now, with minute details of my experiences so I’ll try my best to recall! This post will be separated into headings to help me remember what happened on certain days!

So first of all, class has started of course! I was lucky enough to be chosen as first presenter for Digital Media Tech and lucky enough to have 2 groupmates drop out to leave only me and Sungmin to do the project together -___- and we only had 4 days to prepare lol so yeah. Nevertheless the presentation went great πŸ™‚

7th March: Business School Orientation

Also we had our orientation for Business faculty and it was quite a chill event. Introducing faculty members, Sogang high school rules, and calling students one by one by university up on stage to introduce themselves and their country/university. When it was our turn all 8 of us (minus Ting Yu cuz he was busy) crowded the stage and talked about SMUgger and food in Singapore. When we were done the MC took the opportunity to ask us to perform something and get a gift in return, seeing how we had many members. Federick suggested we sing Home otl and he started singing in the mic LOL some of us sang along but the rest didn’t :< nevertheless we got a lot of cheers for the 8 of us on behalf of Singapore and were given two gifts yayyy. And we had a lot of unglam photos taken by our buddies. Sigh. Not posting them here.

he free meal!! And the nice name tag that they collected back afterwards #soganghighschool

After the orientation we went to eat jimeg w our korean buddies!! (chicken & beer) Finally learned the Korean drinking songs. The chicken wasn’t that good actually bleh but everyone else seemed to find it nice so i hush hush


20140310_213632This is the jimeg that I ate with Zenn a few days after that jimeg with the Korean buddies. The one with Zenn was so much nicer omg it was delicious. I kinda forgot the shop name OTL i shld ask zenn again. i would definitely come back.

The Korean buddies told us Jeonju is a nice place for a hanok village stay and we agreed to go tgt although i was due to go Jeonju the next day alr haha. We also made plans to go hiking and fish market (live octopus and fresh seafood) this weekend! πŸ˜€

9th March: Jeonju

post here~

11th March: New Korean Friends & Baus House Dog Cafe

We went to this dog cafe called Baus House. The day before when I was eating jimeg with Zenn, she was asking me to go Myeongdong with her hahaha but i was soooo lazy. So on 12th March after waking up late and having nothing to do I asked the rest if they wanted to go to a dog cafe or smth! They all agreed so I asked Zenn along~

I headed out at lunch time to meet Sheryl and her Korean friend she wanted to introduce me to. We met and he brought two other friends along. They brought us to a Japanese eatery that’s apparently quite popular with the school kids around here and was always crowded!

Too much garlic though >< but it was delicious i missed curry so much!

Sheryl’s Korean friend (shall nickname him YW for easier quoting) was actually in SMU for exchange the previous sem so we were chatting a bit about SMU. The two other friends got really surprised that YW spoke good english and they commented about it in Korean. They got even more surprised when I translated what they just commented to Sheryl LOLLLL. “You know Korean?!?!” Haha and they proceeded to mix their speech with both English and Korean. I only replied in English though and I know it’s a bad habit like I’m scared to step out or smth but i shall try harder!!!

One of the friends was actualy going for a ‘sogeting’ which is Korea’s term for blind dating. Apparentl it’s common here in Korea to go blind dating because Koreans don’t really like to date within their social circle too much in case anything goes wrong. It was funny because they kept giving him advice that would make him screw up and saying things like she’s out of his league. I learned how to say that someone is out of someone else’s league in Korean that day OTL. I also picked up swear words and mean phrases like ” don’t bullshit me” lolllll they could come in handy really!

YW treated us for lunch and we headed over to a cafe to chill some more and the other friend treated us haha! Thanks guys, will treat next time πŸ™‚

After the meeting Sheryl and I chatted for another hour before we headed out to meet the rest and went to Baus House Dog Cafe in Hapjeong! (because the rest hated cats)

Baus House separate post/review hereeee~

13th March: More… music shows?

Since Vanessa was here in Korea and Adeline & Kelly joined recently, we all headed down to CJ E&M again and met Michelle (the other mich) for our second try at SNSD’s comeback music shows! The pre-rec was kinda sucky that day but regardless it was quite fun as we chatted a lot more and kept teasing Mich about her auntie umbrella she carried around since it rained that day xD

Phew that was a very long recall! Will start to update more regularly from now onwards!! πŸ™‚

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