College Life in Seoul: Week 4

I was considering how i want to update and record the miscellanious things I’ve been up to in Sogang, because they’re not really anything out of ordinary yet they are still memories I want to record and remember in the future.

So I guess I will be having these “College Life in Seoul” themed posts, probably mostly labelled by weeks, to cover the more ordinary things we do in school, rather than things like traveling. For example, this post is gonna talk about how I did my hair at Edae, the noraebang we went to and the Sogang magic show, among all things. Non touristy stuff, more of an exchange student kind of stuff. I’ll try to highlight the things that happen, or otherwise I’d just list in order of days~ these posts are meant for my personal record and it’s pretty much a post you can overlook unless you’re super in love with me and want to know the littlest details, that’s possible too 그럴수도있지뭐 ㅋ

This week was a bit of a crazy week for me. First of all of course, i made the random decision to dye my hair, post here. I wrote a review for Juno Hair because i was so pleased with everyhing!

And the day after that, we had a crazy Noraebang session! It’s really cheap here, I paid only about $5 for 2 hours of Noraebang~ One of the perks of Seoul that Singapore doesn’t have!

Friday is unofficially our bonding day because we all have the same last class that day and so automatically gather together. We again visited the Intl Cafe that day and played pictionary!



Hangout area for us! Coffee + Bagel cost only 2200 won, which is about $3!! 😀 And it’s a normal bagel size with awesome cream cheese heh. When the cafe closed we moved to this nice quiet lounge area that was actually reserved for MBA students but well who’s checking right.


We got lured into attending a magic show hosted by the magic club in Sogang with free food, but there wasn’t really free food HAHA. Regardless it was kinda entertaining i guess although i kinda fell asleep halfway i’m sorry but i did think they were great at the magic tricks!!

So we headed out to eat ourselves and treat ourselves to patbingsoo!!


Introducing one of my favorite yet most unhealthy meals in Korea. Budae Jjigae. It’s tricky because some restaurants use proper chilli powder and spices for the soup, but many other restaurants use ramen seasoning. I’ve learned that it’s usually the price that makes it obvious, one that costs 5000won or below is most likely ramen seasoning. Those with proper seasonings are 6000won and above. The difference is so small so it’s still tough differentiating T_T

Anyway this Budae Jjigae was ramen seasoning which made it so super tasty but so sinful. Budae Jjigae is a typical spicy army stew kind of soup, with SPAM, sausage, rice cakes (a korean classic), kimchi and ramen, topped with sinful melted cheese. Served with steaming hot rice. One of my favorite meals but I try to avoid it especially those that are served with ramen seasoning T___T I’m hungry just talking about this.

Then we treated ourselves to Patbingsoo!! Classic Korean favorite in summer. I’ve used the word classic too many times in this post. This shop was a nice cosy shop that was packed with customers even on a wintry night. I really loved the mango one!! The other one is green tea shaed ice with red bean toppings. The owner was really nice, pulling chairs from everywhere to give us space to seat!! 🙂


I also conversed for the first time in Korean with someone else on that day. This sounds weird because i have been speaking Korean here, but i don’t recall really talking in Korean to another Sogang schoolmate since i’ve been here for some reason…. well anyways, had a nice chat with her and she’s actually of native Japanese origin but has been living in Korea for a long time and is now studying Korean as a degree. Cool stuff. And also Sogang kids always seem to think business is a hard major to take, each time i say business they will exclaim saying “Isn’t business hard?” well i take it as a compliment i guess, perhaps Sogang business school is prestigious?

Saturday was very lazy because we were supposed to attend Lineatte’s buddy’s friend’s event that day so we planned just for the afternoon. We ate at the same tofu place that i’ve went 2 times before with Zenn & Yonsei kids and with Vanessa and her mom. Well it is a nice tofu place with free rice and tasty seaweed and eggs, only for $8. The Sogang kids seem to love that place too~ Then we nua’ed around and finally decided to go to the War Memorial since it’s a lazy day after all! I will write a separate post on it ^^


The second time we were lured into attending an event with free food that week. This time it’s a swing dance performance haha i admit i was expecting some sort of theatre or bar but it turned out to be a dance studio ._. regardless, the old school style was awesome! We also did receive the free food this time, chicken and beer! Classic korean favorite.

Sunday was Seoul Land, a small theme park in Seoul!! Again, a separate post will be done for that one ^^ I’m keeping my travel journals separate from this kind of weekly posts so that I can do a proper review of my experience ^^ Granted, the war memorial and Seoul Land that we visited on Week 4 weekends weren’t extraordinary, i might combine them into one post.

Till next time~~

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