College Life in Korea: Week 5

This week felt a bit of a blur to me tbh. I’m gonna do my best to recall what happened based on my expense sheet haha!

So anyways~ on Tuesday I went to meet Adeline and Kelly for the last time before they fly back! We wandered around Hongdae trying to find Air Cafe but failed badly so we just walked into a random cafe and found a really nice cosy spot! It’s called Are Cafe which literally means ‘the cafe downstairs’ hahaha. It was at a basement~

It was really cosy and they had shelves of books, and little corners for one person to study complete with power plugs and table lamps. ❤ I think it’s a study cafe. We sat down and gossiped as we usually do, and i pulled out a korean book ‘Love Smart’ and started reading lines to Adeline who insta videoed it haha. Practicing my Korean yes!!


Details for this cafe here~

we went to eat chicken + beer with Shery’ls boyfriend! Haha i didn’t think i would eat chicken + beer so much but it happened LOL. I invited Amber along since it was after our kimchi making class (which was quite fail actually) and during the whole night we were just teaching her Singlish and bad words LOL. So everytime Sheryl’s boyfriend swore Frederick would translate that literally and it sounded so crude. We also played plenty of Korean games introduced by Monica!! It was my first time playing so many games, in Singapore it’s either the usual 5-10 hand game thingy or just drinking lol. It was a hell lot of fun and Sheryl’s boyfriend and Amber kept losing so the two of them drank the bulk of it.

Luckily Amber had so much fun and she continued to tell me how much fun she had for the next few days, and she said she really loved us Singaporeans ❤ I was so happy and kinda proud of that LOL. It’s just like on my account there was suddenly an outburst of anons asking me about Singapore and praising Singaporeans, and asking for some Singlish lessons, idek why out of the blue, but still makes me proud. More Singaporean than Indonesian clearly. Haha.

On Friday it was chicken + beer again haha. This time Zenn joined us! We went to walk around Edae to shop first because Karin and I agreed to find caps to buy! We found a shop selling pretty cheap caps for $10-ish but for some reason those caps looked realllly fake i mean i know they are all fake but that one had bad stitching and really poor looking fonts. So we left without getting anything ): I ended up getting just one pair of flats that i bargained from 28K to 15K HAHA. Just by hesitating a lot.

Then we all headed to find the rest and hereby begun our second round of chicken + beer that week!

This week was a little slow for me at least, didn’t do much in the weekends haha. Because of the chicken+beer session i didn’t wake up on time for Suwon that i initially wanted to go with Jasmine and her friends. So i skipped it and decided to head down to Inkigayo with Goh Hong since it was SNSD’s last stage for Mr. Mr. :’) it was a beautiful album and im proud to have been able to see the first and last music show in this short promotion period.

While waiting to be let in GH and I went to this Cafe Citta and the uncle was so nice!!! asked me where we are from and stuff, i took the opportunity to speak a little Korean, all basic stuff as usual, haha. It feels a little more natural now, like i can think in Korean, but i’ll still need to constantly practice! Forgot to take photo of the place thou it was nice and cosy ^^ I’ve run out of adjectives to describe cafes LOL they’re either cosy nice or pretty sigh

Oh oh on that note, let me post this cafe that we went to the day before called Roti Mom, it’s definitely not a local Korean brand HAHAHA but it was pretty! I won’t make a separate post on this as it’s far from Seoul and not really a common area, but yes it was nice!


I love the space!! There are also books available but they were in Korean. Sigh i swear korean cafes are like the love of my life



After Inki on Sunday I headed back to dorm to rest and just slack the day away lulz.

phew finally done with the day-to-day updates .__. sorry for these posts i needa remind myself what i did thus the mundane details.

and btw wow there are 4 cafes in this one post hahhaa i consider that quite an accomplishment.

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