[Cafe Hopping] Cafe Are & Caffe Inbus @ Hongdae

Cafe Are

First cafe I’m going to talk about is Cafe Are~~ It’s this really nice cafe hidden underground in the streets of Hongdae that we accidentally stumbled upon. It’s a little like a study cafe with individual corners for people to study or read one of their books, complete with individual study lamps and power plugs, as well as areas for people to sit and chat around.




Sat down and picked one of the books to read to practice my Korean but didn’t get very far LOL.

I didn’t actually look out for directions because i was chatting with the rest sorry T___T But i searched and there were some Korean bloggers that linked Cafe Are’s naver site here. I don’t have the directions but I saw the address so I’ll just leave it here, you can copy paste it and navigate if you are keen on dropping by!

Cafe Are Address: 서울특별시 마포구 동교동 162-14, B1 층

Caffe Inbus

On Wednesday, I went with Jas for our regular cafe hopping and as we were walking we found this cafe called Caffe Inbus!


Pretty fake mini bus!


The hidden gem corner that we studied in~ If you’re asking ‘mich you on exchange study wat’ i usually revise my Korean~ It’s the only thing I’m willing to mug for~


Specializing in hand made bread so we decided to try it! 😀

How to get to Caffe Inbus: Go from Hongik Univ. exit 9 and walk straight until you see a junction, then turn left and walk in. Caffe Inbus will be on your right on the opposite side of the road.

4 thoughts on “[Cafe Hopping] Cafe Are & Caffe Inbus @ Hongdae

  1. god, reading through your blog of your time in sogang and south korea in general is making me so excited to (possibly) study there next year!! i’m so excited and nervous at the same time ahhh. did you find it easy to make friends with everyone, both foreigners and locals?

    • Hi Alley! Thanks for reading 😀 feeling excited for you already, hope you can go haha! It can be quite nerve-wrecking indeed, not gonna lie it was easier for me to befriend the foreigners that studied there as well as fellow Singaporeans. The locals are a bit harder tbh 😦 I did hang out with locals in a few instances, I just never got super close with them (except 1 really nice unnie). Hope this helps!!

      • that does help a lot thank you!! were any of your classes with the locals? or were they all with the foreign students? 🙂 bc if i go i’d like to be able to immerse myself with the locals, even if i have to join a club or something like that

      • Yes all my classes were with locals 🙂 each class usually has just a couple of exchange students so you can probably immerse w the locals! Sogang has a club for exchange students they’re the ones who organize activities for us.

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