[Cafe Hopping] Brit’s Farm @ Hongdae

Today was a lazy week, as you can see I only covered ground on one cafe .___.

Nevertheless, it was a super worthy cafe, loved it! It was on Wednesday, our typical cafe hopping day, and I decided to bring Jasmine to this cafe we saw the other day called Brit’s Farm, it looked super pretty and I wasn’t disappointed!


Brit’s farm directly opposite tthe entrance of Hongik University!!



For nice warm days~


Really really love the decor!!


Attempt at artistic shot


Smoking area~

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Okay this is really one of my favorite cafe finds in Seoul ❤ Power plugs and wifi availble too!!

The drinks weren’t expensive too, around 4500won. I expected it to be kinda like Namu Cafe aorund 6000won, but I guess because this is opposite a university after all.

How to get to Brit’s Farm: From Hongik Univ Exit 9, head straight until you see a T-junction, then turn left. You will pass Caffe Inbus on the way which I talked about as well haha, and keep on walking until you see the entrance of Hongik Univ. Brit’s cafe will be directly opposite the entrance.

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