[Cafe Hopping] Book Cafe: 후마니타스책다방 @ Hapjeong, Cafe Noriter @ Edae

Two cafes this week! Visited my first book cafe in Korea with Jasmine~ it’s a korean name and not really obvious, so i took a picture of how it looks at the exterior for reference.

후마니타스책다방 @ Hapjeong:


Once in, you’d notice it’s reallllllly quiet haha, clearly a book cafe for a reason. It’s rather small and actually not the main book cafe i wanted to go to the most, the other one i wanted to go to was in Hongdae and is huge like a library, Cafe Comma if I’m not wrong? but anyway!!

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Shot from the entrance with Jasmine unglamming


The drinks were a little on the pricey side. A cup of latte costs 5500 won~

You could get free refills for Americanos i think, that’s what i read anyways. We sat near the printing room so it was a little noisy – i think they have an office in the cafe so people were printing stuff. But aside from that it was almost deathly quiet and one lady even walked in to ask the staff if they can have meetings in the place, and the staff said they can only speak quietly. Haha.

THey have everything there, wifi, power plug etc. They also have some useful books like Finance etc if you’re interested haha. The toilets are also behind the counter which I found fascinating for some reason lmao.

How to get to 후마니타스책다방: From Hapjeong Station exit 6, keep going straight and keep a lookout on your left. You’ll see the cafe pretty soon.

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Cafe Noriter @ Edae:

One of the few branch cafes in Korea that I adore!! This was a really beautiful place and I liked it.


Second floor~


Third floor~


some of their pretty decos


Individual booths on the second floor~


individual booths on the third floor~

It was a really nice cafe! Each booth has power points for you to charge all your devices, and two open cafes. Drinks cost 4500won for a hot latte, 5000 for an iced one.

It was a cosy place and we studied quiet a bit until the cafe closed ❤

How to get to Cafe Noriter @ Edae: Head out from Ewha Womans University Exit 1 and walk straight until you see the road forking right. Turn right and walk into Edae area, you would see Cafe Noriter. You can also walk via Exit 2. Check the map below for a clearer reference~

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