[Cafe Hopping] Table A (Cat Cafe) @ Sinchon/Edae

I’m doing a proper re-review of Table A because I think it truly deserves it!

On my second time there I finally could stay a lot longer so I got to play with the cats and stuff!! So without further ado, let’s take a look at this mini cat cafe~

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Forgot to take a picture and this was the only accurate pic. Seems like it went through renovation so the pictures on the website aren’t accurate. This pic is credited to blog.naver.com/orjinol


Cosy areas upstairs, ‘pens’ are linked by cat bridges for the cats to roam freely



cat bridges. study downstairs if you don’t want no cat


And now introducing my favorite cat with no name cuz i didn’t find out!



Saw him (i assume it’s him for now) crouched at the staircase staring intensely so i went over to this little one to say hi and he meowed a lot and suddenly reached out to try to climb onto me. So I let him claw his way to my shoulder and carried him back to our table downstairs and he walked all over my laptop because that’s what cats do i guess.


Looking almost like the logo on the cup lol


the drinks!

After walking all over our table he jumped down and went out and sat outside pondering over life. The staff quickly fetched him and up him back up. Feeling sad for the kitty I went up to join him and Jasmine joined us soon after. The cat stood around looking outside sadly before going over to me, presumably for some human comfort or really just somewhere to sleep or lie down on.


sorry for my unglam face and shot angle


At this point the kitty was finding a comfortable spot to lie on my lap. My legs kept going numb so i kept holding him as i switched position and he kept meowing and protesting like the king he thinks he is. And he kept kneading his paws and kept digging his claws into my jeans, I read that this too could be a sign of affection for cats to leave their marks, but yknow it kinda pricked. So at one point i just held both his paws up and i think he got the point afterwards. Gotta discipline the kitty and let him know who’s the real king/queen.

A white kitty came over and they hissed at each other and got hostile. I noticed my cat was kind of a troublemaker, always trying to escape and not being friendly with other cats lol. He jumped away and the white kitty came over to me curiously and then left. Then after sulking for a while my kitty returned back to me.

And then the final time he returned to my lap he got really comfortable and was purring and closing his eyes when I scratched him. Then he kept turning to lick my hand, and started grooming my thumb thoroughly, from base to nail. It’s not that hard to guess that it was a sign of affection and ‘social bonding’ because he was purring while grooming me. I guess I’m kind of a cat to him.

After that i decided it was time to finally study. I spent like an hour+ just paying attention to him, so I settled into a comfortable position and hoped he would sleep.


eyes look a little scary LOL

He didn’t though. Every time i stopped paying attention he would paw me and look up at me and meow in protest. From the position as you can see above, it’s easy for him to climb up my body to get my attention. Self-proclaimed king of the world tsk.

He got bored eventually and jumped off and found some people who had food. He never returned again LOLOL, typical of cats lmao.

I found out though that I was the only lucky one that day. It seemed to be really hard to get them to really like you. They will approach you and you can pet them for a while but usually they don’t stay around, or want to cuddle around with you. I realized that none of the other people around managed to get a cat on their lap willingly lol, and since then my kitty didn’t return to me again as well 😦 So i guess the magical moment had an expiry time LOL, i was already pretty fortunate in terms of winning attention.

After a while of studying it was finally time to go! I went to my kitty who had just woken up for a nap and gave him a bit more love and then climbed down. When i reached downstairs and looked up I saw that he had walked over to the staircase and he meowed like kind of in farewell, awww at least you have the heart to remember me ❤

So that’s it for Table A! I really like this cafe because of power points, wifi and CATSSSSSS, and nice environment.

How to get to Table A (Branch 1): Refer to the map below. I’m not giving exact directions because we got a bit lost, so it’s better to refer to the map 🙂 The station featured is Ewha Womans University!

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