College Life in Seoul: Week 14

As the exchange draws to a close, I’ve been doing less and less meaningful things haha. It’s kinda expected so I’m not beaten up over it or anything. In fact I think I should spend the remaining days of my exchange appreciating the normal life in Korea. Just sitting around, eating, going cafes, sleeping in when i want to, etc. I’m going to miss Korea so much. I did think that I should travel as much as possible to prevent regrets of not traveling, but as much as that, I think I should slack as much too, so I won’t regret not just slowing down and appreciating life in Korea.

And so that was kinda like that for this week. Aside frmo visiting a couple of touristy places, I’ve been just slacking around haha.

Monday was nua day as usual, because of awkward class timings. Coffee Bean has become one of my favorite study spots due to its proximity and i found my favorite little corner near the toilet and where no one can see what i’m doing~

Tuesday I had the whole day to myself but decided to just meet Zenn to study. Dropped by Coffee Break for an earlier study/blogging session. Coffee Break is another favorite study spot due to its cheap beverages and lots of tables and power points and its 7 wifis for 2 floors ahhaha.. and it’s right outside my school! I’m gonna do a separate full post for Coffe Break in another post~ Table A is also becoming one of my favorite study spots because you get to sit at your own little table on the second floor and have adorable kittens crawling all over your laptop and hiding in your bags and pawing at you. The drinks are also really huge for 5000 won and you kinda would expect people to stay all day long at that cafe.

Wednesday finally there was something a little more interesting. we gave up our cafe routine and decided to visit the Seodaemun Prison Museum. I’m not going to make a separate post for the museum though, because i have plenty of posts on backlog D:


Jasmine and I were saying that the Seodaemun museum had a peaceful atmosphere. It was unlike the one in Cambodia that we’ve both been to before. The one in Cambodia legit had an unsettling atmosphere, and i got pretty scared looking at the room that held their photos and stories. After reading and seeing their faces, I did seriously feel unsettled, almost as if I could feel their torture and suffering. I couldnt stay in one room long enough in Cambodia, and by the time we were done touring, I was feeling really uncomfortable and really just wanted to get out of the place. Jasmine had felt the same way. Seodaemun didn’t have this kind of atmosphere thankfully. I think it’s partly due to the fact that they renovated the place, while the one in Cambodia was pretty much kept as it was in the past.

Thursday too it was nua day @ Coffee Bean and hang-out time with Jasmine and her roomie which also means practice korean day. Ahahahaha. Also it was my first time trying one of my favorite milk teas from the overpriced Gong Cha in Korea… 3900 won means about $5. Twice more expensive. Taste was pretty consistent though hahahahaah.


Friday was a nice catch-up session with Sheryl and Zenn. I was contemplating whether or not to go Jjimjilbang with Jasmine and her friends that night, but didn’t go in the end anyway because i was tired and i had an italki appointment the next day!

Saturday was once again nuaaaaaaaa. SUCH A NUA QUEEN THIS WEEK

Sunday though I do have something a litte more exciting to share. Shall do it on a different post. Annyeong!


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