[Cafe Hopping] Coffee Break @ Sinchon

Not a new cafe at all but I’ve finally captured enough photos to talk about it! I really like this place because it’s a really nice place to study or do work or just blog or watch dramas wtv. Haha. The coffee is really cheap, 2800 won for a latte, and it has sufficient power points and toilets. It’s also really huge with plenty of space. Even on crowded days you’re bound to find a decent spot. It also closes at midnight which is beneficial to me! Finally, it has 7 wifis i’m not kidding i have photo proof. Haha.

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Above photo not mine. Kept forgettng to take a photo of the store front so I took it from naver~ credit on the pic!


First floor~


See I wasn’t kidding about the 7 wifis


Affordable glory~


Second floor. Photo from the staircase~


Left side of the second floor haha


Right side of the second floor with smoking corner~ toilet is at the far right

Their muffins are also tasty and crispy on the outside!


Overall an amazing place to study or hang out for students! 😀 Especially if you’re in Sogang!!

How to get to Coffee Break: If you’re coming from Sinchon, go via Exit 6 and follow the path down towards Sogang University. Coffee Break is right before Sogang! If you’re in Sogang, well, get out of the school and turn right haha.

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