Exploring Samcheongdong (Cafe Street)

One doesn’t say they’ve been cafe hopping in Korea without having gone to Samcheongdong. That was my motivation to step out of the house and go to a new cafe, since recently i’ve become lazy and liked visiting the cafes I’m already accustomed to. I met Zenn at around 3.30pm near Samcheongdong and we headed there together. It wasn’t her first time but the first time for me, surprise surprise, given my love for coffee and cafes and the likes. I guess i never really felt the need to step out of my area because of so many nice cafes in this vicinity. Plus recently when I go cafes it’s to get work done so i don’t want to waste time finding new cafes in the area. Anyways back to the topic! We walked to Samcheongdong and i fell in love with the place almost immediately. I haven’t seen this many cafes in one area haha it’s like how do they earn with all the competition?? Well regardless, we walked almost the entire Samcheongdong area and couldn’t settle on a cafe, mostly because we were out to study and wanted a place with good lighting. So after finishing the whole area, we backtracked and decided to settle with this cafe called . i’ve seen this cafe online and i saw bad reviews about the coffee, but i couldn’t resist all that architecture and elegance and it has the best lighting of all the samcheongdong cafes for studying. Hahaha. So we decided to give it a chance.


posing obnoxiously outside someone’s house



OTW to samcheongdong


very pretty cafe we saw!!!


The actual Samcheongdong street. Looking a bit ulu because of a weekday! Or everyone’s hiding in their cafes

As we were walking we saw a bunch of people crowded around taking photo of something. So we looked across the street and saw what looked like a boy band having an interview. We found out later through eavesdropping and logical deduction that it’s probably BEAST. IMG_2126 We hung around for abit but then the manager came and chased everyone away lol


A very very pretty cafe called Heaven on Top!

IMG_2148 I just love the cafes at Samcheongdong! The decor from outside already look so fabulous, each one has its own style and mood, and i just want to experience every one of them! Unfortunately our focus was to study after all so we had to pick one that was most suitable for us, not the one we liked the most.  In the end, we settled for this cafe called cafe KONA QUEENS. Cafe KONA QUEENS @ Samcheongdong I’ve read about it online, it actually has terrible reviews for the coffee LOL but at that time our main priority wasn’t the coffee. KONA QUEENS looked super bright and spacey so we went there in the end.


Very pretty infrastructure and typography~


First floor~ I didn’t take a photo of the counter because there was like this line of baristas standing there waiting for people to come in which was a bit awkward


the third floor balcony~

After exploring a bit we stayed on the second floor which was the best place to do work or settle down in. IMG_2159. IMG_2158 There were powerpoints around the area and on the pillars you see above on the table, so it is a good place to settle down in if you have work to do.


Blankets! It was cold so it was necessary

IMG_2157 Okay the coffee was really as bad as reviews online said. LOL. Unfortunately i got nothing to say against all those reviews. It was a little pricey at 6000 won, but understandable for coffee along Samcheongdong. The latte tasted weird. My drink was a chocolate fudge frappe and even that tasted a little… strange. Later on Zenn said they might have used soy milk which would explain the off-taste of their drinks. Regardless, our focus was not on the coffee! So overall i would recommend this cafe to visit and sit and chat with because of its space and lovely atmosphere!!! And nice toilet… hahaha. But not if you want to drink a good cup of coffee. Nope. How to get to Samcheongdong: Closest station is Anguk Station. It’s a little confusing but as seen in the map below, Samcheongdong begins in that red outlined area. Closest exit is Exit 1 and from there you should turn in at the next corner (not the Starbucks one). After that it’s a relatively straight road down. Screen shot 2014-06-19 at 2.59.36 AM   How to get to Cafe KONA QUEENS: It’s smack in the middle of Samcheongdong haha. Very hard to explain directions so i hope the map can help somehow.   Screen shot 2014-06-19 at 2.57.25 AM Once you find Samcheongdong, there’s no need to worry because the cafes are so abundant! Don’t mind what blogs are saying about the cafes and just pick one that calls out to you 😀 After our cafe adventures Zenn brought me to this supposedly famous Ddeokbokki!!! Forgot the place name or its location so let’s just appreciate pictures of ddeokbokki 2014-06-12-20-52-28_photo  2014-06-12-20-56-47_photo   Yumz.

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