Second last week of Sogang University :(

The second-final week of school… 😥 It just suddenly hit us how soon our exchange was gonna end T__T It felt like yesterday that I was walking into Sogang wide-eyed and apprehensive, finding every little detail fascinating only because it had been my dream for so so so long.

Just as we had stepped into the convention hall for a welcome ceremony, we walked in for our goodbyes. They even served us the same mediocre bibimbap that they served us on the first day haha.



the side dishes deserved a pictuer more than Mediocre Bibimbap

There were a couple of girls who did an amazing performance but there were also a couple of awkward performances and speeches in between. It felt like they didn’t QC the performers who volunteered which was why there were awkward moments here and there, but props to them for speaking up bravely!

After the farewell it felt a bit wasted to say goodbye so quickly so the bunch of us Singaporeans together with Robert an american, went to Baskin Robbins the huggeeeeeee 3-storeys branch at Sinchon~

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It was kind of cheaper to get ice cream in Korea’s BR than other places



We were talking about stuff and then suddenly Liz started talking to me about SNSD so like the entire night became a KPOP topic lol.

We retired early because the next day had to chiong for freaking report -_-

fast forward to the next day aka report chionging day haha. I offered to read through the entire report because english wasn’t their native language, but i kinda regretted halfway omg there was so much to edit. While jas and i were chilling at Ediya opposite our school, suddenly a Korean friend I know walked in looking kinda dazed. He bought a drink and came over and started babbling about random shit. He was kinda still drunk from the previous night and was desperately trying to recover from his hangover because he had tons of work to do. He didn’t seem lke he was well on his way though. Fortunately he left after a while, i mean i really don’t mind meeting him, but i really had a report to rush…

on Thursday, i had a sudden revelation that i had very very very little days left in Korea and that if i wanted to do all i wanted to do, i had to start immediately. So after a bit of research, i decided i should get out of the house to visit Samcheongdong because it’s cafe street and if i left Korea without visting cafe street i’d never forgive myself. Thought for a while of going alone but then decided to ask Sheryl and Zenn anyway, and Zenn wanted to come out too, but Sheryl was already in Hongdae haha. So after lazing around a bit i finally went out and met Zenn. We had a good loooong walk at Samcheongdong before settling down haha.

Post on Samcheongdong here~

On Friday, we decided to all meet up one last time for chicken and beer, and also because Jasmine has NEVER JOINED US BEFORE NOT EVEN ONCE PRIOR TO THIS, so we dragged her out and ting yu also brought his friends alone. His friends were really hilarious and it was a good night 🙂

Saturday and Sunday was dedicated strictly to STUDYING. We studied at Knitting Cafe and a Study Cafe separately on these two days. i’m kinda proud of our ability to find these little treasures in sinchon and edae alone. haha. Since i’ll be living in Hongdae for my remaining days, i have plenty of time then to explore the cafes there~~~~ finally maybe after then, i can make a proper cafe recommendation post ^^ I’m typing this when i’ve found a goshiwon in Hongdae, i’ve got a story to tell for that one heh, will make a separate rant post on goshiwons.

Oh yes wanna make a special mention to the food we ate on Sunday!!


This is a branch chain place and kinda like convenient fast food, with a concept that perfectly suited Korea – rice burger!


blurred sorreh

The food was realy really cheap, most of them were below $3! And the original one was under $2~ the options were also simple.




My order was tuna something i forgot what it was called on the menu, but it was served with tuna, kimchi and spam. IT TASTED AWESOME. really salty though, i’m almost sure it’s all made of MSG but anyway, it made for a very good, relatively feeling and very cheap meal. So yes, recommended esp for students haha. You could easily take it away too.

And that was it for this week. It’s bittersweet because it’s almost over but it made me cherish every moment so much more.

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