Tokyo’s Themed Cafes: Owl & Parrot Cafe

Japan is notorious for having lots of themed places, such as cat cafes or maid cafes. One of the cafes i hadn’t heard before until a friend posted about it was an owl cafe. Seems like it’s not very uncommon and there are more than one cafe in Tokyo, but nevertheless here’s my post about the one that we went to in Asakusa!

We actually stumbled upon it by accident on a lazy day where we wanted to just relax at a Starbucks at Akihabara that night. More like my brother going to shop at Book Off and me going to Starbucks to do what i do best – surfing the net. And maybe blogging. So yep, after catching dinner at Asakusa and about to head to Starbucks, we accidentally saw this cafe!


i creyed when i saw the sign and knew i had to go in




We were debating whether or not we should pay to go in, it’s 1000 yen for half an hour ($12) but you don’t have to get a drink. It’s a really small cafe anyway there wasn’t any place to sit and enjoy your drink. After seeing the owls though, we decided to just pay and try~ So in we go!

To the left of the cafe, there was an area where the owls were all stoning at.



There was also a rack of jackets that we could put on in case the birds shet on us or something. I found out later on that the jackets were very necessary for the parrots. The owls were very calm and half of them were falling asleep anyway hahahaha. Super adorable! You can try to get the owls to perch on your arm but you need to push your arm towards their legs a little for them to get the idea. A lot of them just look like they want to sleep though ahhaha.


Selfie w this qt omg T__T



Huuuuuge owl! I’m not going to look up the owl breeds so i can’t give much info on that T.T



The creepy one


The gaze that kills


/judging you


Aw ❤



One of the largest ones~ we found out later on this one was only 2 months old :O


The way they close their eyes into eyesmiles… so much like cats omg.




My favorite one! It was so happy when I petted it~


gross angle of me but my favorite owl looks so adorable and tiny ;~;

And then we went through the door to the parrots area which gave us a warning ‘are you ready?’ I found out very soon why they wanted to prepare us beforehand.


The first thing i saw when i entered omg poor girl LOL

The first thing I saw when I entered was a lady bent over and lots of parrots on her back jumping around and pecking omg. I had half a mind to withdraw immediately but stepped in bravely, and was greeted by a parrot who perched on top of my head and starting to make a nest out of my hair or smth idek ;A;

This was when it became necessary to wear the jackets they provide lmao. I’m not sure if any of them pooped on me, i don’t think so…??





parrots everywhereeeee

These birds aren’t scared of humans at all and they basically see you as new perching spots. Not for the weak-hearted. But the owls are okay for the weak-hearted i think, except that they give you death glares.




The birdkeepers~


The spazzy thingy on my right is actually a parrot on its way to perch on my head ;A;

Half an hour flew by really quick and it was time to leave 😦 I found it much more worth it than cat cafe though.

How to get to the Owl & Parrot Cafe @ Asakusa:

We stumbled upon it by accident so I wasn’t sure, but I managed to find the map from another blog! This blog’s review is hilarious and pretty accurate tbh ‘we passed into the larger “parakeet room” and the crazy level went from 10 to Fuck.’ crey

Screen shot 2014-07-02 at 5.37.38 PM

Recommended to visit if you like themed cafes or birds! If you’re not that fond of birds but find them cute, just stick to the owls outside OTL.

3 thoughts on “Tokyo’s Themed Cafes: Owl & Parrot Cafe

    • I know right! 😀 When we first saw the owls perched we were like omg is it real. Then they moved and we’re like ‘THEY’RE REAL’ lmao we sound so bimbo-ish. They’re absolutely adorable! 😀

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