Tokyo D7: Shinjuku Gyoen & Shibuya Crossing

The day began with Lineatte asking if they can come along to join me and my bro because they didn’t want to follow Liz etc to Hakone. Our plan was to first to Shinjuku Gyoen, which is one of the most famous gardens in Tokyo.

Shinjuku Gyoen

The Shinjuku Gyoen garden contains some variety of themed gardens. I’m not an expert at gardens so uh just look at the pretty pictures hahaha.




Saw this pretty blue flower!


Nice and peaceful


Walked a bit and found the greenhouse. This was my favorite part actually. But we barely made t before it closed (it closes at about 4pm if i’m not wrong, should check again)


spotted the greenhouses!


super nice!


Favorite picture~





The french garden


Pretty ❤


wearing clothes to match the garden! black hair roots growing out bleh


Shibuya Crossing

I’ve heard about this famous Shibuya Crossing and was very curious to see it especially after seeing the famous ‘scramble walk’ elsewhere in Tokyo. The concept is an all-ways crossing in a cross junction, so instead of taking turns for cars from each opposing sides to stop and let pedestrians cross, they all stop together to let pedestrians cross whichever way they want. To us pedestrians it’s obviously much more effecient so we don’t have to wait longer to cross to the diagonal-opposite side, but i’m just thinking it’s pretty inefficient for the cars hahaha. Then again, Tokyo’s traffic is more human than vehicles so perhaps that’s why the concept was born.


Shibuya Crossing! Pedestrians waiting


Pedestrians crossing

For those who want a view from above, you can go to the Starbucks across the station (viewable in the first picture), otherwise you can go to the second floor of the train station like we did.

Since we were at Shibuya too, we naturally went to search for the famous Hachiko Statue. Haha. Here we go:





Well it’s nothing that much, but there’s a beautiful, beautiful story behind it. Lots of people were posing with the statue so it was hard to get a photo without people in it haha. It’s just next to the station.

Okay will be back to update this post again. Bye!

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