Tokyo Themed Bar: The Lockup @ Shibuya

Tokyo is well known for its themed cafes such as the cat cafe or owl cafe, as well as themed restaurants like the maid and butler cafes. No less, the nightlife has plenty of themed places to check out, such as host clubs for both male and female, and themed bars. In my short stay in Tokyo I was looking up all these places and decided the best place to check out that’s both affordable and doable with my brother + friends was one of the themed bars of Japan, specifically The Lockup at Shibuya. The name alone should give you an idea on what it’s about. It’s a prison concept with a haunted theme and the bar/restaurant did a wonderful job living up to its theme!!

We went together with a couple of bro’s friends who visited from Singapore. Initially I had read that it was a prison concept and found it really fascinating which was why i coaxed my brother to make a reservation hahaha, but i didn’t actually expect it to be a haunted prison concept… which became kinda hilarious because later on because his friends were even less aware.


leading to the place

Once we actually went in it was pitch dark so i couldn’t take photos, plus the short pathway to the bare was like a mini haunted house with a scare or two :/ We found the entrance and was greeted with a policewoman who noted our reservations. We were told we can take photos of the place but not of the staff. She led us in and we were greeted by an English-speaking policewomen, who then said she needed to arrest someone for some crime. So we just asked them to arrest my brother for being a fashion terrorist because he was wearing a salmon colored top that day lol. She handcuffed my brother and told us she will now lead us to our cell. And it was convincingly a cell lol.


Our cell!


Very poorly lit place lol

Waiters and waitresses in cell outfits came in to give us the menu.


She also came in to serve our welcome drinks but we felt really cheated because they charged us for the drinks later on -_-


welcome drinks


They’ve got funky menu items


They also have challenge items!

They had challenge items on the menu in which the waitresses/waiters would administer the stated game for you. The crackers challenge for example, was a challenge to eat finish the amount of crackers in 30 seconds and you get a prize if you win and a forfeit if you lose. My bro’s friend Jasmine tried it and she lost. The drink was basically a really sour drink, but no one stayed around to make sure she finished it la haha.

After taking our orders, the waitress told us she actually can’t serve our food yet because it’s time for the monsters to be out and about. LOL. At least we were given warnings beforehand lol. We waited for a bit and not long later, the whole place turned dark and lights started flashing. Lots of sounds can be heard and a couple of screams from customers, and then it was a lot of scary music and sounds of monsters roaming about. We could hear from the screams where the monsters are HAHA, and so we could predict them coming for us.

Eventually a monster came in to scare us and it was REALLY FUNNY BECAUSE HE WASN’T SCARY, BUT HE CAME IN AND SPRAYED THIS MIST/FOG/AIR/WTV THING AT US. It’s like a huge airspray I’m sorry i really don’t know what it’s called, but it’s those things that spray mist at you in haunted houses and theme parks. Just that he had a portable one and it was REALLY STRONG. The funniest part was when he sprayed and we all FLEW BACK IN OUR CHAIRS i kid you not like i just fell against my brother and his friends fell on me and we were all flattened against the wall and i started laughing really hysterically because here we were flattened against the wall and on the other end of the table his friends were screaming and hiding under the table. It’s like 100x more entertaining than a haunted house any day.

After that was over my bro’s friend Yu De who had filmed the entire thing showed us the clip, and during the part he was blasted with air the video went all wacky. crey

Soon after our drinks and food were finally served LOL.


i ordered this coffee cocktail that tasted like Baileys, and the thing with the gun was Yu De’s drink. I’m still not sure what the gun is though, but the drink was like milk and beer.



The drinks lit up during the monster prowling-scaring time~



This was tasty!! Cereal in vanilla ice cream and chocolate fudge w brownies


Making payment~


OTW out we found that for two-seaters you can sit on these booths

We spent approximately $15 per person (plus the welcome drink that cost like almost $7 ugh so cheated). It’s honestly not a lot considering how fun the trip was. The cocktails were priced at normal prices that you find in Singapore. A lot of blogs said the food wasn’t nice and yeah i think they weren’t fabulous, but honestly i wouldn’t expect much from food in a themed bar like this, and also generally I went for the theme more than the food or drinks, so it was all good for me ^^

How to get to The Lockup @ Shibuya:

Address – 33-1 Udagawacho | B2Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture 150-0042Japan

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