[Cafe Hopping] 정효훈 JHH Dream @ Sangsu/Hongdae

Sangsu is also known as the backyard of Hongdae. This is my own term btw HAHA but it’s true, lots of cafes that are labelled as being in Hongdae are located very close to Sangsu station, so in my opinion if you get off at Sangsu station and just walk a bit you’ll find plenty of great cafes. I don’t think Sangsu is an actual location so that’s why the addresses are all gonna reflect Hongdae, but yeah I’ll still say Sangsu… #REBEL

Anyway, the day after moving into my new hostel at MORI and doing laundry and whatnot I finally got my ass out of the house to eat and find a cafe. I was initially aiming to visit some cafes I researched on online, but i walked past this cafe and backtracked and just decided to go in. Fortunately i did! It was a pretty cosy cafe with decent amount of space.


The drinks were also really affordable, around 3000 won for my latte~ Seating area was only on the 2nd and third floor!


The second floor~



The third floor~ I like how the girl’s outfit fit nicely into the surroundings.

There were ample power points in this area!



As expected of most cafes in Seoul, they also provide blankies, books to read and water ^^



The iced latte was delicious! I mean yes a latte is basically just milk and coffee but idk i guess i like the mix proportions of this particularly cup. 🙂 Not too bitter or too milky!


This particular  cafe also provided charger points for handphones~ ❤

I’m typing this in a Starbucks branch in Singapore btw and I miss Korea sooooooo much for their cafes :/ There’s so much life in every cafe over there and they pay attention to so many details. Over here it kinda feels like some cafes are being churned out just to satisfy people looking to feel hipster visiting artisan cafes, and maybe because of that i don’t feel that same kind of attention to customers like the ones in Korea. It’s kinda like.. you visiting my cool cafe benefits you more than me so it’s not really necessary for me to provide the small details. It’s the small things that matter though. Cafes in Korea are so customer friendly, always providing wifi, toilets, power points, blankets, water, etc. And there’s always a personal touch in the decor of cafes that give them that personality. Also the cafes in Korea are supportive of lone visits or visits for study/work purposes. In Singapore it’s mostly just a nice atmosphere to talk and catch up. When I need alone time in Singapore where do I go then?! D:

I’m seeing more and more personality cafes in Singapore pop up, but I’m still waiting for cafes to become more customer friendly. If I do set up my own in the future I’m definitely going to draw my inspiration from Korea’s cafes. ^^

I talked too much about cafes haha.

How to get to JHH Dream @ Sangsu/Hongdae:

Take exit 2 from Sangsu Station and head on straight. Cafe JJH Dream will be on your left~ white building!


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