What now?

So for those who know me personally, I’m back in Singapore. So of course the next big question mark is what now? What’s going to happen to this blog now that the reason why it started has ended?

It’s very hard for me to predict what will come next, but I might have an idea after this post.

This post hence is like an update post just to update what’s going on with my life right now after I packed my life in Korea into 4 bags and dragged them all to the airport via subway, and made it back to Singapore in one (natural) piece.

For a couple of days to be honest, I was severely bitten by the travel bug and spent my days moping around feeling that life’s very boring in Singapore. Fortunately the people around me helped a lot in helping me settle back down. I learned a lot from exchange yes, and some of these lessons I can bring back to Singapore and let them continue to guide my life. But I think one thing a lot of us need to accept is that when we go abroad for a long period of time, we’re missing in people’s lives. They’re missing in our lives too. As sad as it seems, there will come a time when we need to tuck away that period of our lives as a world where we existed alone on our own, and no one can ever share in that time of our lives no matter how you want them to (because you love them). But we can’t expect to integrate everything amazing that happened when we were abroad to our normal lives expecting that everyone will excitedly embrace it as well. They don’t understand and it’s selfish to force them to.

The sooner we realize that, the less moping we’ll do and the more we’ll try to integrate back into their lives, the lives you shared with them before you left.

So it took me a week or two to realize that. Luckily in that time I’ve been attending gatherings and parties dutifully and also finally introduced the bf to the family formally. Then it was a rush. My birthday came about and after that I spent the weekend lazily watching the fencers fence their annual match. And the week after that, it was a mad job search. I kinda realized i’m jobless and i do have time during the semester so i was looking for jobs in startups since they’re more likely to be flexible with my time schedule. Went for an interview or two, got an offer . Asked for more time to decide because the job was sales based and not what i expected.

Then it was Bangkok. I think i want to write a post about Bangkok, although it can’t be very useful because it was more of a getaway rather than a proper travel itinerary based thing. Still it’s worth writing because i thoroughly enjoyed myself w the bf and 4 other friends 🙂

And and and, I want to write about something big that happened to me recently. I say it’s big because i’m super excited about it, not because i suddenly became very powerful or rich or smth. Basically I am now under the mentorship of a founder of a local firm who decided she wanted to take me under her wing, because she liked my dreams and we have similar philosophies in life. I’ve never met someone willing to make a personal investment in me like that, and willing to guide me without knowing what she can get from me in return. In the span of a week I’ve met her twice and done some design work and tomorrow I’m meeting her and her partners to discuss my work. It’s mad i was unemployed just a week ago!! It’s such a long story but I’ll save it for another post. She is God-sent and I look forward to what we will do together! And for sure I will document my new adventures here.

This morning I just sent my BF off to his new internship in the banking industry, and I kinda know I’m losing him to his career pursuits because I’m well aware what it’s like with the banking industry and the little amount of life it leaves you with, but I’m trying to be supportive. We’re both going on very different but equally exciting paths and maybe we won’t have much time with each other anymore but I’m so excited for the both of us, and I look forward to the stories we’ll share. Time is going to be really precious so we’ve got to make the best out of it.

So that’s all folks, that’s what’s happening in my life right now. Finally now I feel like I’ve properly gotten over my travel bug thing and I’m actually genuinely excited for my life now in Singapore. That’s also why I started to write here again because I had stopped moping and I’m starting to build stories I can share once more here!

So back to the point, what now? What will happen to themaone? Here are some of the things I hope to fill my blog with.

  • Career adventures!
  • Korea guides
  • Korean language posts
  • Bangkok
  • Usual life rants lol
  • Other travel posts

HAHAHA. Not the most exciting shit ever. But looking forward. Always looking forward. I can’t see the whole staircase of my life yet but don’t put me down yet, because I’ve taken the first step! Let’s go!

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