[Cafe Hopping] Leeman’s Cafe @ Hongdae

Another cafe! I particularly liked this one more because it’s suitable for sticking around long and it’s a no-fuss cafe that has everything you need there. I like this kind the most. There are plenty of branches for Cafe Leeman’s actually but I think I’d recommend it as a chain cafe in general because of it’s so beautiful. I believe Leeman’s was originally a restaurant? But they launched their own line of cafes too.

It is not a popular cafe in general in Seoul because of course there are so many good cafes out there. But idk i just liked this one for its no-fuss pretty decor and table space. Haha. Well I’d come here to do work so maybe that’s why.



The first floor view from the counter~


View from the entrance~


A corner on the first floor~


Water etc all there!


Option to sit by the windows!


Second floor!

I took more pictures of the second floor but my phone fucked up so when I backtracked, those pictures were lost 😥 I had some pretty pictures too. Oh wells. Here’s a picture of my coffee anyway.


Haha this latte was the most bitter cup of latte I’ve tasted with the most proportion of coffee compared to milk. Zenn was cringing at the taste but I kinda like it. Quite affordable for a large cup too, if I’m not wrong around 4000 or 5000 won.

Also I really love their logo haha.

This was visited on my second last week in Seoul so I had nothing much left to do and was alternating days for travel and cafe hopping. Haha. And also catching up with friends. Had a catch up with Melinda and her friend who visited from Singapore and had a bittersweet last BBQ meal, and a long walk through Sinchon to Edae and back again. Sigh. 😥

How to get to Cafe Leeman’s (Hongdae Branch): There are two options, from Hongik Univ. Station or Sangsu station.

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Head out from exit 2 of Sangsu station, or

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Head out from exit 9 of Hongik Univ. Station.

Hope you like the cafe. I personally like it although it’s not popular in general. 🙂

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