Life Update: Driving

Hi. Idk who is reading this as usual so I’ll just be talking to myself hahahhaha.

Major major thing I finally got around to doing was driving. I signed up for it before I went to Korea which is over a year ago, but only got to passing the BTT before I flew off. Idek why I bothered signing up at that time because now I’m paying a lot extra for membership renewal every month after the first year ._.

Well that aside! Wanted to write this post to talk about my driving experience so far because hey it’s considered a decent milestone right? Part of the whole growing up thing I suppose haha, though I’m about 3-4 years late.

So first of all, I suck at theory tests. The BF never fails to poke fun at me for this but I failed my BTT AND my FTT evaluations the first time round. Lololol. For those not familiar, I signed up with school at BBDC so I had to complete evaluations first before booking the test. When i first took the BTT evaluation I only read the book and didn’t have any practice books/sessions so I flunked. Then I used my bro’s book and passed. FTT was taken almost one year later and I did purchase a practice book but it was useless because the questions came out all different. I realized later that practice sessions at BBDC were only $3-ish!!!! That is super duper affordable and you can complete like 3 booklets if you’re fast. So in like 3 lessons you would have completed the entire BBDC FTT database and it’s a guarantee pass. I was like -_____- so yeah I did one of those lessons and took the FTT evaluation immediately afterwards and passed. Id why I refuse to take the mainstream route and had funny ideas in my head. Ugh.

Anyways that’s past and I already have my test booked in March. I started my practical lesson and I was honestly really scared at first. Like driving looks mega scary and I signed up for manual so how?? But it turned out I was just paranoid because I actually turned out to be okay at driving. Legit okay. I was surprised it wasn’t as scary as it seemed, and by the 2nd lesson I was out on the roads (though, that instructor was apparently not that ‘good’ according to the 3rd instructor the following lesson). I have some weak points like not checking safety more often, speeding, not changing gears frequently enough, etc etc etc. But overall it was okay. More than once instructors have taught me ahead of my session but told me to stay hush hush about it. But like one time I kept quiet about one instructor teaching me U-turn early, and the next instructor told me “Eh I’m now going to teach you U-turn. You haven’t learned yet right? Ok don’t say a word to the next instructor.” LOL. So it’s like an endless cycle of pretending i don’t know stuff.

But nevertheless those instructors are always friendly and I’m always up for practicing newer things so I don’t waste my time. Then there’s the other type of instructors – I had one who was extremely fierce and scolded me for every mistake but it was good because it made me really change. And then there’s this one asshole who micro-managed and taught me confusing opposing theories compared to other instructors and only passed me one decimal. Idek i hope i don’t meet him again.

Ok short update because of lack of pictures making it really boring haha. Gonna mass update this ‘Life Update’ tag with major things in my life. As always, i may not see the purpose of this post now, but it’s gonna be a precious memory later on. In fact, aside from this public space, I’m keeping a private diary just quickly updating my daily life haha. I hated that I had this gap during my JC and early uni life because I kept no tracks of my life, no photos or posts, and aside from a few major events it’s a whole blank in my mind. 😦 Won’t let that happen again.

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