I’m alive!


For anyone who’s wondering if this blog’s still alive, yes it is. Alive, meaning, I’m constantly visiting this blog to look back on my memories in Korea haha. Oh nostalgic times.

Also, a few mega huge posts are coming up, as I’m attempting to organize and plow through my entire one-month long trip to Europe. Not easy at all because until now I’m nowhere through half of my post about Athens, which is only like the first week! :/

Plus, I’ve also started working so t’s gonna be pretty tough to squeeze in regular updates and I’ll run out of content soon anyway haha. So I guess I’ll try to take my time to make my posts about Europe really comprehensive, provided I remember the details of course!

For now, it’s more of trying to settle down and set some habits in stone to keep me grounded. What I’ve realized after 3 weeks of working life is that if I don’t take control of my life, I’d pretty much be sucked into the corporate lifestyle and have little to no time for myself. Because the work literally takes up your entire life. I wake up at 7am to follow my Dad cuz he drives to work, stay at the office until around 7pm average, eat dinner with my Dad or friends, and most of the time end up at home around 10pm+. That’s practically the whole day gone so literally there’s only weekends.

So it’s becoming so important to try to fit in little habits here and there. Like for example, I have an hour every morning because i go in early. I have a few moments to steal during work when it is a bit more lull. Some transport time to factor in too. I can do plenty of things in between, ad they can be productive stuff I believe. So far for me it’s just reading news whenever I have snippets of time, but I’m hoping that sooner or later I will be able to take on more stuff during this time, like read Indon news or pick up useful skills like data analysis. These aren’t really slacking so they are probably acceptable even if i get caught doing it during working hours. 2 hours worth of free time everyday adds up to a LOT of hours in a year!

That’s the current challenge for me anyway. Oh what a grown up thing to be saying ._.

Anyways, I think I’m blabbering too much for now. Better run and actually start producing those Europe posts I keep talking about haha. Bye 🙂

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