I’m going to Taiwan!

In between my very late and clearly less enthusiastic updates about Europe, I’m just here to excitedly announce I’m going Taiwan!! Yay! Spontaneous decision made by myself and queen Zhiq when we were out paint balling with the rest and she expressed how she was thinking of going TW alone.

I looked at her almost incredulously and told her I had thought exactly the same for the past week! So in a weird twist of events we decided we’d go together but stick to our original plans, agreeing that if we wanted to be alone at any one point of time we would.

Stan decided not to join us so we went ahead with just the two of us! So far our planning went pretty good the last time we met at TNT, settling accomms and basic itinerary. We’ve booked the flight way before that, at around $333 for a round trip – I think it’s okay priced. We also had a major discussion on our traveling styles so we can establish some loose rules and stuff, so far I think we’re pretty similar so hopefully we can understand each other during the trip! We’re going to establish the together/alone days soon. Haha. I’m really really glad we’re close enough to have such honest discussions. If anything, traveling has proven to be the biggest bitch to a friendship HAHA.

I guess I also need to justify (if even to myself) why I have been so half-hearted in my Europe update. TBH, it’s probably just because Korea was very very very personal and precious to me as it’s been where I’ve been wanting to go since forever, so naturally everything comes out excited and stuff. Also because by now, I’ve realized how Asian I really am, in that I always felt a greater connection and interest in anything and everything Asian. Explains why I was so excited to announce this Taiwan trip more than Europe.

Well, I think I need to wrap up Europe more than anything, so I might do so soon. Hopefully, I’ll succeed before Taiwan though I’d rather not be so ambitious haha.

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