London D1 | Burgers & Lobsters

The last day in Santorini was spent just enjoying breakfast and appreciating the last of the beautiful island before getting ready to go to the airport to catch our flight to London. Right before leaving the weather got pretty hot which was kinda ugh because that would have been the perfect weather to enjoy Santorini. Damn!!

Nevertheless, had a last breakfast and headed off to the airport in their shuttle taxi.


Standard airplane wing shot!


Ahhh so exciting!

I’ll be honest, landing in London was one of the most exciting moments in my entire trip. I guess I’d just been looking forward to it more than the other countries, not entirely sure why tbh, maybe it’s the language thing also? It was nice to be back in a country where we could understand everything. Also, I can never get sick of the British accent.

From the airport we had to buy a ticket that would get us to the central city area. Our Airbnb was near Euston area.


Really crowded station at the Gatwick airport!


We got the ticket that would bring us to St Pancras station which was one stop to Euston. In fact, it was walkable from St Pancras straight to our Airbnb



I can’t seem to find the Airbnb listing anymore, tried for the past half an hour but it’s possible the host took it down since it seems to be more of a family on holiday kind of thing rather than an official Airbnb business.

Anyway, the place we stayed was really close to Euston station which is an amazing central location to be in. It was an apartment unit and we paid around SGD $70 per night per person – by no means is it cheap but considering the cost of living there, we got ourselves a pretty decent find.

Apartment was cosy and had all amenities. Only thing was the water was very cloudy even when we kept boiling it, not sure if it’s the kettle or just the water from the tap, but we ended up just buying bottled water most of the time.

We took our time resting a bit before we headed out for a short walk around our area. We agreed to meet YN at Burgers & Lobsters. He was there as part of an SMU module (it’s been a year so i honestly forgot what it’s called lol).


Love London’s architecture.




Red telephone booths!

We made it in good time to Burgers & Lobsters, the famous lobster diner in London. They have tons of outlets so there should be no problem finding the most convenient one. Do make a reservation in advance though as they tend to be full-house.



Nice ambience


We all went for just the lobsters instead of the burger. I thought grilled would be more tasty so I ordered that, but I was surprised at how the steamed lobster Termanda ordered was much softer, more moist and tasted fresher. So I know next time I visit I’ll order the steamed one haha.


Face looks terrible due to the sunburn 😦


One last amazing shot

And that’s it for London D1! A chill day but a wonderful start to one of my most favorite cities.

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