Philly cheesesteaks & more

Our third pit stop in our mini US tour was Philadelphia, which for some reason my Dad was really keen on visiting. All I really knew of Philly at that point was their cheesesteaks lmao but it did turn out to be a charming little town which was anyway on the way to our final destination at Boston.

We arrived on a rainy night and I did some quick research and brought them out to a cheesesteak diner that was apparently quite popular based on online reviews.

When we entered we were greeted to an extremely long queue and lack of space, but it was kinda a false alarm as it appears that there was a school trip hence all those kids, and they evacuated after 15 min or so and we had room to breathe thankfully.

Philadelphia Museum of Art

This is kinda embarrassing to post but basically we went all the way thinking it was free but when we found out it was like 20 USD or smth like that we decided to just take some photos and get out…. hahahaha. In all fairness I don’t think any of us would’ve appreciated it as much as we should be, and paying $20 for something you’re not sure of doesn’t feel right at all. I always kinda wished I could appreciate more forms of art but I’ve never had much luck with art museums tbh.

But I like photography, writing and all that so I wouldn’t say I’m not artsy at all. Hahaha. Anyway on to the pics.

Very cute trolley bus that we saw!

Found The Rocky statue

Some photoshoot going on at the rocky steps. The poor girl she must be freezinggggg.

I was trying to do a jump or smth

So I literally googled this place and ONLY just found out, months after my trip, that the rocky steps are a really famous tourist spot due to the scene from Rocky movie where he ran up the steps and was all glorious. As a result it’s become something of a cultural thing. Well I’m glad then that when we went, it was fairly empty except that photoshoot going on.

Reading Terminal Market

After deciding not to visit, we piled onto an Uber to go to this famous market. The Uber driver was super friendly and was asking us where we came from and all of that stuff, plus sharing his own stories.

The cold rain was quite miserable so thankfully we had the warm market to hide in!

Once there I went straight for a popular place called Dinic’s Roast Pork & Beef which was mentioned in almost every article talking about this market.

Love the lighted signboard!

Following this was an attempt by us to see the Philly bell but failed because it was closed by then, so we just roamed around the city and got ourselves some good food before heading home.

And that wrapped up our single day pop by Philly!

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