Cofioca Bubble Tea @ Apgujeong Rodeo

This is actually kinda officially my last review post for Korea… 😥 Everything else has been featured on this blog. Omg. Seems fitting that Cofioca is the last review post because hey we need to all remember the roots. The reason I’m even writing this in the first place. And no doubt, that title belongs to none other than 9 girls. Talking about this now reminded me of why I visited Cofioca so randomly, few days prior to leaving Korea. Cofioca is hardly representative of SNSD whatsoever, but it does hold traces of them that were the only thing I could seek out at that time. 

Very apt. The whole journey began with them, my Korea exchange began with seeing them live on music shows, musicals and fansigns, and aptly so, my journey has to end with something related to them, even though throughout my Korea trip my priorities have changed majorly.

So on one fine summer day, I embarked to seek out Cofioca. Would like to give a warning beforehand that this famous shop visited by many celebrities is located in Apgujeong Rodeo, not Apgujeong. Those two aren’t even remotely close to each other and I wasted time getting lost when I went to Apgujeong first. Haha. Apgujeong Rodeo is on the yellow line. Find that one. 

After finding it, it didn’t end up too hard to locate. 



Oh yeah and I walked past NaNa on the way haha. NaNa is a piercing store also very popular with celebrities and therefore fans.

There were tons of foreign fans and the ahjumma was really busy, hence no opportunity to chat for a bit. Foreign fans were coming in and mentioning names of the celebrity they like and the ahjumma would recite what the celebrities bought to drink, like she’s super used to it LOL.


Tiny shop with overpriced bubble tea

Mind ya though. Bubble tea in Korea is generally overpriced and this particular Cofioca brand was mad overpriced, at 6500 won if I recall correctly for the popular Taro Blended milk tea. Ugh that’s like $8 for a tiny cup!!!2014-07-15-17-20-57_photo

After making my order I began my prowl to look for my girls.


Found Taeyeon’s and Jessica’s side by side!


Tiffany and Sunny 🙂

I’m not sure if other SNSD members also visited but meh i didn’t bother finding HAHA.

granted though, my $8 bubble tea was easily the best taro blend i’ve ever tasted. I can remember the taste up till now.



How to get to Cofioca @ Apgujeong Rodeo:

Very useful map from managerhyungRemember it’s Apgujeong Rodeo, not Apgujeong.

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And that is it folks… at least for reviews of places I’ve been to in Korea… what a remarkable journey. To those reading this who are currently embarking or about to embark, I wish you all the best. Embrace this opportunity and create your own story to remember. :’)

Crashing at Amber’s place (4-days mass update~)

Personal mass update! Long story short, the goshiwon ditched me so i was forced to find accommodation elsewhere. 😦 That’s the thing bout Goshiwons, never be totally certain even when you’ve paid your deposit. Unless you book it really early and can claim priority over everyone else. For me, because i was supposed to take over a tenant, that tenant had priority. She extended her stay nad i was kicked out. UGH. Because I was kinda bitter that i have to spend more now on a guesthouse (the goshiwon was as cheap as about 11,000 won per night, less than $15), i ended up asking Amber if i could crash at her place for four days until i go busan, and then check into my new accommodation at MORI Guesthouse. She said okay thankfully! So for the next couple of days I crashed at Amber’s house. It was great fun although we weren’t together most of the time. It’s nice to stay in a proper Korean apartment for a while, be in a residential area and stay with a great friend who always has stories to tell about her life xD SHe lived in Bongcheon which is in between Gangnam and Sinchon, along the green line. Because Amber was out with her new 썸 ‘SOME’ (a korean term for a guy you’re seeing but not dating officially.. at least not yet), I met Sheryl for one last dinner before she goes back to Singapore. It was good to be back in Korea after being in Japan not understanding a single word 😦 Figured if i was going to crash at Amber’s place, i should get my own groceries right??


Milk and a bunch of bread for the next 4 days breakfast! Ultimate budget~~

At least i didn’t live on bread and water. Had a good loooooooong rest that night and woke up in the afternoon of Wednesday. Haha. Amber was busy with her work and i had nothing on till night time where i was due to meet Jinho oppa and Sooyoung unnie, two koreans i met while on language exchange. Crashed at Coffeenie nearby for a couple of hours before meeting the oppa/unnir. It was kinda in an ulu location near their uni haha. They brought Zenn and I to eat galguksu (soup noodles) with kimchi, pork and tofu. Haha. Together with makegeolli (rice wine)!! 😀 Sooo delicious! 2014-07-02-19-29-03_photo   Chatted for a bit in Korean and then we moved to another pub for more drinks. Well I can’t dirnk lots so we ended up ordering fruit soju! First time for me as well! 😀 Seriously i’m leaving Korea with no regrets about what i iddn’t try and stuff xD


Strawberry soju! Delicious`


Fruit Soju with… erm not sure what that was that they ordered, it was a chicken dish with rice balls. Super duper yummy!

I become really oblivious when I go out with Koreans haha. Because usually with Singaporeans I feel obliged to be the one ordering, the one talking to the staff etc, the one who should know more. Maybe because i’m more familiar with the language, so i always feel that obligation/responsibility even when nobody actually held me responsible haha. But with Koreans i’m like yay locals i can sit back and not have to worry about communicating effectively. Haha. Thus it also makes me kinda oblivious to the stuff that they order which is bad because i hate not remembering what i ate or drank 😦 Thank you unnie and oppa for the great food and company and helping us with our Korean all the time! 🙂 Thank you for not speaking any slower or treating us as any less competent than another local Korean. We don’t always get what you say 100% of the time, but we catch most of it and we’re grateful that even though we may not be able to reply as fluently, we feel like we’re truly locals when we’re with you guys!! ❤ And thanks for always taking care of us and treating us like real dongsaengs hahaha. Thursday was another late-waking up day. What’s new haha! Had dinner plans with the rest for a final farewell to Sheryl, but had nothing to do. Ended up contacting Sheryl and Zenn beforehand to see if they wanna go Hyehwa with me! Went with Zenn in the end and settled down at Waffle Lui. We met the rest for dinner at a BBQ place that sheryl recommended, called 구이미소 which I THINK literally translates to ‘grill smile’ hahahaha. I admire Sheryl honestly because of the entire group, she has the least knowledge of Korean, not being able to read or understand anything except the basic ‘thank you’ and her favorite foods. But she’s always the most adventurous and the one who ends up discovering the most places and eating the best things, because she’s always ready to get out there against her comfort zone 🙂


Tsk these kids


Love how they provide this space to put our bags!



Sheryl doesn’t like pork so for our table we ordered beef!


Yumz 😀

The bean paste stew was only 1000 won and was VERY DELICIOUS D: i don’t know why i don’t have a picture of it tbh. After that of course because it’s summer, it’s Patbingsoo time!!!! Usually our favorite hangout place is at Homilbat, but because Sheryl prefers the nut based patbingsoo (err i forgot what it’s called rn but if i recall i’ll update), we went to 팥미옥 (Pat Mi Ok) 100% Red Bean Handmade. Hahahahaha. Homilbat sells only fruit bingsoo, milk, coffee and green tea.


haha these kids so cute


Mango based and nut based!

Chatted for a very long time and selfied a lot too. Awesome last time spent for Sheryl 🙂 On Friday i had nothing much to do again so went to Express bus terminal to buy our tickets to Busan, and then went back to that same cafe! Did some work for my dad and nua-ed around fo a bit and then went back to pack and rest because it was busan the next day! Random but i wanna post a picture of the ramyun i ate at Express Bus Terminal. The ramyuns they sell at restaurants over here are freaking amazing. Can’t compare to the packet Korean ramyuns we eat. I need to know the brand D: 2014-07-04-13-07-19_photo And then on to Busan 😀 Can’t wait to blog about Busan!!

[Food] Gamjatang (Pork Ribs Soup with Potatoes) @ Chamimat Gamjatang



So… to start off this post, an introduction about this Korean dish called Gamjatang, that is probably less well known compared to other local delights. Good ole Wikipedia is pretty reliable for food stuff at least.

Gamjatang (감자탕) is a spicy Korean soup made with pork spine or ribs, potatoes, vegetables, green onion, hot peppers and ground wild sesame seeds. It is a matter of contention whether the name of the soup comes from the word for potato (감자; gamja) or not, because the soup is frequently served without potatoes.

The soup base is a deep red colour from the red hot peppers.

Now that we’re all clear about what Gamjatang is, without further ado, presenting one of the tastiest dishes I’ve tasted in Korea (idk if it’s the restaurant or the dish itself that’s just amazing but idc it was glorious!!!!)

Gamjatang (Pork Ribs Soup with Potatoes) @ Chamimat Gamjatang 참이맛 감자탕 

I ate Gamjatang @ Chamimat on the last day of my last week of school with Zenn after hunting for a Goshiwon, choosing to eat this on Zenn’s recommendation instead of chicken+beer that the rest were having. Never regretted that decision.


The menu serves small medium large, but because it was only Zenn and I, we asked the staff for individual servings. It was really cheap! Only 6000 won for one person with rice included 😀


While waiting for the soupppp





Omg there are so many things i wanna talk about this dish and my mouth’s watering thinking about it. The meat was super soft and fell off the bones easily, I was probably in tears when i had my first taste of the meat because of how tender it was. T____T The soup was delicious because it wasn’t too spicy and the pork taste went so well with the pepper and chili seasoning.

Ok i’m sorry i suck at describing food, i can’t be like those writers with really good descriptive skills oRZ SORREH.

But point of this post is, try this dish and restaurant!!! It’s a really good meal in my opinion especially if you like spicy soup and pork ribs. I love both so this was one of the best meals for me. Let’s not forget the potatoes as well!! They weren’t the main part of the meal (and are often omitted from the soup) but by rights ‘Gamja’ originated from potato so they deserve a proper mention.

How to get to Chamimat 

Around Seoul, there are plenty of Chamimat branches. I went to the one at Hongdae. You can refer to the site to search for stores, but it’s in Korean T___T

Hongdae Branch: 서울특별시 마포구 서교동 364-16 2층 | 364-16 (2nd floor) Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Accessible via:
1) Hapjeong Exit 3

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2) Accessible via Hongdae exit 9

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Official web page with map
Other branches in Seoul

On a side note, I realized they have a branch at Sinchon along my favorite food street :’)

[Food] Tosokchon Samgyetang (Chicken Ginseng Soup)

Samgyetang literally translates as “ginseng chicken soup” in English. It is traditionally served in the summer for its supposed nutrients, which replaces those lost through excessive sweating and physical exertion during the hot summers in Korea. To make samgyetang, a whole young chicken is stuffed with glutinous rice and boiled in a broth of Korean ginseng, dried seeded jujube fruits, garlic, and ginger.

Finally got around to trying this famous Samgyetang restaurant near Gyeongbokgung! This happened midway during exam week and i had just collected my visa, so I joined the rest later. I was supposed to be on time bu i got intercepted halfway by an ahjumma who asked me endless questions about my life for like absolutely no reason so by the time i reached the food was already there hahahhahah. Anyway let’s go into the details!


Tosokchon restaurant from the outside!


Tosokchon restaurant interior~

The restaurant was huge! Got lost trying to find them ._.


Samgyetang and Tongdak

Lineatte Karin and Jasmine ordered one portion of Tongdak (roasted chicken) and two portions of Samgyetang (chicken ginseng soup). Irrelevant but the kimchi at this place was really really delicious! Jasmine really wanted to buy some back~



The soup had a mild ginseng taste so if you’re looking for a strong soup, i don’t think this would be the place for you! The chicken was stuffed with glorious glutinous rice so there was no need to order our own bowls of rice. The two small glasses you see in that picture above is actually wine and supposedly to put into the ginseng chicken soup to add flavor to it. Haha. The rest have eaten there before and never knew it, they even drank the wine one shot lullllz.

Samgyetang – 15,000 won
Tongdak – 14,000 won
Other menu details – blogger’s post 

How to get to Tosokchon: From Gyeongbokgung Station (Seoul Subway Line 3) Exit 2, go straight for about 170m. GS25 is the landmark to look out for – when you see GS25, turn left into the small streets.

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Second last week of Sogang University :(

The second-final week of school… 😥 It just suddenly hit us how soon our exchange was gonna end T__T It felt like yesterday that I was walking into Sogang wide-eyed and apprehensive, finding every little detail fascinating only because it had been my dream for so so so long.

Just as we had stepped into the convention hall for a welcome ceremony, we walked in for our goodbyes. They even served us the same mediocre bibimbap that they served us on the first day haha.



the side dishes deserved a pictuer more than Mediocre Bibimbap

There were a couple of girls who did an amazing performance but there were also a couple of awkward performances and speeches in between. It felt like they didn’t QC the performers who volunteered which was why there were awkward moments here and there, but props to them for speaking up bravely!

After the farewell it felt a bit wasted to say goodbye so quickly so the bunch of us Singaporeans together with Robert an american, went to Baskin Robbins the huggeeeeeee 3-storeys branch at Sinchon~

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It was kind of cheaper to get ice cream in Korea’s BR than other places



We were talking about stuff and then suddenly Liz started talking to me about SNSD so like the entire night became a KPOP topic lol.

We retired early because the next day had to chiong for freaking report -_-

fast forward to the next day aka report chionging day haha. I offered to read through the entire report because english wasn’t their native language, but i kinda regretted halfway omg there was so much to edit. While jas and i were chilling at Ediya opposite our school, suddenly a Korean friend I know walked in looking kinda dazed. He bought a drink and came over and started babbling about random shit. He was kinda still drunk from the previous night and was desperately trying to recover from his hangover because he had tons of work to do. He didn’t seem lke he was well on his way though. Fortunately he left after a while, i mean i really don’t mind meeting him, but i really had a report to rush…

on Thursday, i had a sudden revelation that i had very very very little days left in Korea and that if i wanted to do all i wanted to do, i had to start immediately. So after a bit of research, i decided i should get out of the house to visit Samcheongdong because it’s cafe street and if i left Korea without visting cafe street i’d never forgive myself. Thought for a while of going alone but then decided to ask Sheryl and Zenn anyway, and Zenn wanted to come out too, but Sheryl was already in Hongdae haha. So after lazing around a bit i finally went out and met Zenn. We had a good loooong walk at Samcheongdong before settling down haha.

Post on Samcheongdong here~

On Friday, we decided to all meet up one last time for chicken and beer, and also because Jasmine has NEVER JOINED US BEFORE NOT EVEN ONCE PRIOR TO THIS, so we dragged her out and ting yu also brought his friends alone. His friends were really hilarious and it was a good night 🙂

Saturday and Sunday was dedicated strictly to STUDYING. We studied at Knitting Cafe and a Study Cafe separately on these two days. i’m kinda proud of our ability to find these little treasures in sinchon and edae alone. haha. Since i’ll be living in Hongdae for my remaining days, i have plenty of time then to explore the cafes there~~~~ finally maybe after then, i can make a proper cafe recommendation post ^^ I’m typing this when i’ve found a goshiwon in Hongdae, i’ve got a story to tell for that one heh, will make a separate rant post on goshiwons.

Oh yes wanna make a special mention to the food we ate on Sunday!!


This is a branch chain place and kinda like convenient fast food, with a concept that perfectly suited Korea – rice burger!


blurred sorreh

The food was realy really cheap, most of them were below $3! And the original one was under $2~ the options were also simple.




My order was tuna something i forgot what it was called on the menu, but it was served with tuna, kimchi and spam. IT TASTED AWESOME. really salty though, i’m almost sure it’s all made of MSG but anyway, it made for a very good, relatively feeling and very cheap meal. So yes, recommended esp for students haha. You could easily take it away too.

And that was it for this week. It’s bittersweet because it’s almost over but it made me cherish every moment so much more.

[Food] Grilled Fish Mackerel 고삼이 @ Sinchon

Apologies for all the foodie posts this week!! Haha. I have like one more cafe and one more food place coming up so yep, i’ve become a food blogger at this point LOL. Anyways, this place was recommended on Sogang’s little guide book, and seems to be very popular with the queues. The rest of the Sogang kids actually ate before a couple of times i’m prolly the only one clueless and all haha.

After the knitting cafe, Sheryl invited everyone to eat grilled fish so that’s how we ended up at this famous place that everyone has eaten before except for me haha.



Straightforward menu.

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The squid was awesome! It reminded me so much of Singapore and BBQ squids T_____T Amazing taste.


The fish was heavenly as well. Crispy skin, soft meat, delicious taste. Everything you can ask for in a grilled fish. These two together made for a very satisfying meal that had me cleaning the fish to the bones~ we didn’t pay a lot too! About 6000won per person, because we ordered two portions of grilled fish and two portions of squid for five of us~


The sauce to eat the fish with was also amazing! And they serve the tea in a bowl hahahaha. Fun fact.

How to get to 고삼이 @ Sinchon: Walk from Exit 2!

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[Food] Outdoor Factory (Korean BBQ) @ Hongdae / Sangsu

Impromptu invite from Jasmine to join her and Daphne for dinner after their Incheon adventures! I had turned down going Incheon although I arrived back from Ulsan on Friday night, and had both Saturday and Sunday free. I chose to stay home both days to rest and do work and catch up with life in general. I woke up so late on Saturday anyway and i didn’t have much daylight left LOL. I was actually about to turn down this invite to Outdoor Factory on Sunday as well, but decided to just go. I kinda realized that I shouldn’t put off anything anymore thinking that I might have another opportunity cuz it’s likely i probably won’t. Haha.

So after lots of contemplations i agreed and got my butt off my chair and met them at Outdoor Factory!! This restaurant provides normal Korean BBQ but in a camping concept! The pictures will speak for themselves 🙂

Without further ado, Outdoor Factory @ Hongdae / Sangsu:


I brought out my DSLR just to take clear, good quality pics because S4 really sucks at night time photos 😦 And also took the photos after eating and chatting so everyone has left 😀


The decor was fabulous! Just look at at those walls and the red paint! And the pretty standing props. And I fell in love with the foldable chairs as soon as i saw them haha. And those lamps at every table! Bonus Christmas-y tree at the corner!!



foldable chairs ❤




Sorry the menu is small D: For the benefit of those who may not know Korean, the Outdoor Factory menu in English (the top half, food menu) is as follows:

pork neck
pork belly (samgyeopsal)
pork skirt
salad spaghetti
assorted sausages
grilled jumbo shrimp
goguma (sweet potato)
kimchi ramyun
white rice

They might have an English menu, i think you can ask. The waiter that served us knew a little English too. The beer was free for us!! I’m not sure why maybe a promotion was going on..?

We only ordered pork necks and belly (samgyeopsal) for our meat, there are also sausages, sweet potato etc on the menu. You’re required to order one portion of the main menu for each person. Maybe you can get away with not ordering but usually in Korea in these kinds of places, 3 people = 3 portions.


Good ole pork, garlic, mushrooms, hashbrown and ramyun!



Not complete without ramyun in a pot!!!!


top left corner: plastic water bottle and beer in plastic cups!!


look at the adorable spork.

Overall, the food was tasty – I liked it! Jasmine said that it was quite normal to her but idk to me the pork tasted better than a lot of others I’ve tasted. Perhaps it’s the grill? I’m not sure. But it did taste better than usual to me. Nevertheless, the charm of this restaurant is the concept more than the food, so I still think it’s worth a shot! We spent 11,000 per person for a good meal that left our bellies full and happy and oily. And we didn’t order rice! So the portions were more than enough, at least for us.

I’d recommend this as one of the best concept BBQ restaurants I’ve seen! Must go if you love the camping theme!

How to get to Outdoor Factory: The nearest station is Sangsu Station, but it’s accessible via Hongdae as well. I got a bit lost while navigating because the streets are all connected and there are LOTS of lanes in that area. So follow the map carefully~

아웃도어팩토리 (Outdoor Factory): 서울특별시 서강공 02-322-1674 

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[Food] Albab (Fish-roe Mixed Rice) @ Alchon Edae Branch

Introducing a new kind of food in this post!!! It’s called Albab, i think it’s a local term because nothing comes out when you google it in English. It’s a fish-roe kind of bibimbap and it’s very very affordable! There were a couple of shops clustered together in Edae but I visited the one called Alchon.

I loved albab immediately when I tried it~ Alchon is considered one of those madjib places that sell cheap and good food.




The Alchon menu! Credits to the owner of the pic. This menu seems to be an older version though, when I went the curry one was only 3500 won and they added things like cheese octopus 🙂




The curry albab! So tasty although a little too spicy :/ Zenn ordered the garlic one and it was super tasty!! The next time I go I’m definitely ordering the garlic one… at first i was suspicious because garlic bibimbap? But it was so delicious!!

Recommended for sure if you’re in Edae area shopping and want something tasty and cheap.

How to get to Alchon (Edae branch): Head out from exit 2 of Ewha Womans University station and walk down the main street, past one main street lane and two side street lanes. Turn left on the third one and look out for Alchon on your right~ Sometimes I feel like the map is a lot better than my written explanation haha so i might quit writing so much and just leave the map xD

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[Food] Korean Dessert Cafe @ Edae

Nope. Not recommending this.

I heard this was a popular place amongst Koreans for patbingsoo, but just… #no for me. I guess it’s more of a personal preference? So I’m still going to write about it haha.

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We ordered their patbingsoo (the first one on the menu) and well kinda regretted it. It did come out nicely and the first few bites were super delicious. However at the end it was just shaved ice, and the ice didn’t have any milk or were shaved as nicely as the ones in Homilbat. I think it was our mistake though, the ice cream one looked delicious. I wouldn’t recommend the original patbingsoo.


The mochis hidden in there though, were super super delicious! It was a nice bowl of patbingsoo but it got tasteless at the end because the topping was insufficient and the ice had no or little milk.



It was however a good place to relax and just talk. It’s also pretty huge, two storeys, compared to Homilbat.

How to get to Korean Dessert Cafe: Head straight from Ewha Womans University station exit 3. After passing the first right street lane, you’ll see the store on the second floor. The banner isn’t obvious so you gotta watch out.

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[Food] 홍콩 반점 0410 (Hongkong Banjum) – Jjambbong & Jjajangmyeon

Giving this shop its own feature because of how much I liked it! 😀

We stumbled upon this shop by pure accident as we were walking along Bukchon Hanok Village. I think this shop has several branches everywhere and I even spotted it in Sinchon, so if you’re looking to visit, it shouldn’t be hard to find~


We were attracted by the jjajangmyeon 4000 won sign haha it stood out amongst all the expensive bukchon hanok village restaurants. We went in and the menu was on the wall. It’s in Korean though, so it might be a bit of a problem if you can’t read. It’s a chain eatery so they might have english menus, no harm asking them~ nevertheless this store specializes in a few things so it’s not really hard to order even without any menu at all.

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We ordered our food and in around 5 minutes it was already served! Love the fast service!



Just FYI since I didn’t really know what was Jjambbong until that day, it’s a spicy seafood soup dish served with noodles. Usually they have rice variance of this dish too, Jjambboong-bab, in which they serve the soup with rice in or out of the soup. Jjajangmyeon is a noodle dish served with thick black soybean paste and chopped pork and vegetables, but you all probably know this already haha. Gunmandu is just panfried mandu.

When I was eating this food I kept thinking my parents would have loved to visit this store because they get so happy when they find such Chinese-inspired dishes in Korea xD


We ordered one 짜장면 Jjajangmyun (4000 won), 짬뿡밥 Jjambboong-bab (4500 won) and half serving of 군만두 (4 pieces, 2,000 won).



Special shoutout to the Jjambbong. At first we thought it was a Jjajangmyun specialized store because of the advertisement at the store front, but we realized afterwards based on the store decor and its website that it’s specializing in its Jjambbong. And truly it deserves to! The soup was super tasty ❤ I have to admit it might have some ramyun seasoning or msg in there to make it that tasty, but heck it was cheap and tasted so goood! Usually you don’t get Jjambbong that cheap so I was just appreciating every bite. The seafood was fresh, the soup not too spicy and has the right amount of savory, and I absolutely love rice in soup so that dish was basically made for me ❤

I’d recommend this place for sure, if you want something cheap for 4000 won that isn’t those typical Korean branch eateries. I’ve never made a post about those Korean eateries but basically they are eateries that provide almost every type of common Korean food all under one roof, and they are literally everywhere throughout Korea. Haha. Those are cheap and good but if you want something with more quality and taste, definitely Hongkong Banjum 0410 is where you can try to go.

Hongkong Banjum website:

They have plenty of branches but since we’re at it, I’ll list down the more common branches for easier viewing for those who don’t read Korean.

Sinchon Branch 2: (along what I term as ‘ sinchon madjib street’ with all my favorite food places~) via exit 3 or Uplex exit of Sinchon Station

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Hongdae Branch: Via Exit 9 of Hongik Univ. Station

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Myeongdong Branch 2: Via Exit 6 of Myeongdong Station. They have another branch further in Myeongdong and closer to Euljiro, but thought to leave this one here instead since the directions are simpler.

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Gangnam Branch: Via Gangnam Station exit 11.

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They have so many chains it’s impossible to list them all haha, if you can read Korean it’s gonna be a lot easier. If you can’t, well, if you’re really that keen to find one near your area, you can always contact me to ask and I can check for ya~

That’s all for this lovely 맛집! Do try it if you have the chance to 😀 The red/orange signboard is easy to spot so you might just spot one walking down some road. Haha.