Cofioca Bubble Tea @ Apgujeong Rodeo

This is actually kinda officially my last review post for Korea… 😥 Everything else has been featured on this blog. Omg. Seems fitting that Cofioca is the last review post because hey we need to all remember the roots. The reason I’m even writing this in the first place. And no doubt, that title belongs to none other than 9 girls. Talking about this now reminded me of why I visited Cofioca so randomly, few days prior to leaving Korea. Cofioca is hardly representative of SNSD whatsoever, but it does hold traces of them that were the only thing I could seek out at that time. 

Very apt. The whole journey began with them, my Korea exchange began with seeing them live on music shows, musicals and fansigns, and aptly so, my journey has to end with something related to them, even though throughout my Korea trip my priorities have changed majorly.

So on one fine summer day, I embarked to seek out Cofioca. Would like to give a warning beforehand that this famous shop visited by many celebrities is located in Apgujeong Rodeo, not Apgujeong. Those two aren’t even remotely close to each other and I wasted time getting lost when I went to Apgujeong first. Haha. Apgujeong Rodeo is on the yellow line. Find that one. 

After finding it, it didn’t end up too hard to locate. 



Oh yeah and I walked past NaNa on the way haha. NaNa is a piercing store also very popular with celebrities and therefore fans.

There were tons of foreign fans and the ahjumma was really busy, hence no opportunity to chat for a bit. Foreign fans were coming in and mentioning names of the celebrity they like and the ahjumma would recite what the celebrities bought to drink, like she’s super used to it LOL.


Tiny shop with overpriced bubble tea

Mind ya though. Bubble tea in Korea is generally overpriced and this particular Cofioca brand was mad overpriced, at 6500 won if I recall correctly for the popular Taro Blended milk tea. Ugh that’s like $8 for a tiny cup!!!2014-07-15-17-20-57_photo

After making my order I began my prowl to look for my girls.


Found Taeyeon’s and Jessica’s side by side!


Tiffany and Sunny 🙂

I’m not sure if other SNSD members also visited but meh i didn’t bother finding HAHA.

granted though, my $8 bubble tea was easily the best taro blend i’ve ever tasted. I can remember the taste up till now.



How to get to Cofioca @ Apgujeong Rodeo:

Very useful map from managerhyungRemember it’s Apgujeong Rodeo, not Apgujeong.

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And that is it folks… at least for reviews of places I’ve been to in Korea… what a remarkable journey. To those reading this who are currently embarking or about to embark, I wish you all the best. Embrace this opportunity and create your own story to remember. :’)

College Life in Seoul: Week 8

Featured in this post:
Cafe – MY MUG
Food – Homilbat (Patbingsoo)

Time sure passes quickly!! It’s already Week 8!! Once again, here’s my rigurous weekly summary of my week in Korea. Haha. This was a relatively quieter week as i realized i needed to catch up with my Korean. We had a long Easter holiday but didn’t really travel out much.

The week kicked off on monday with a self-study time at Coffee Bean. Again i just wanna express how happy i am that Cofee Bean is right opposite my school dormitory, it’s like a reminder of home minus the Korean-speaking baristas and fascinating Koreans that I people watch too much. Idk why i people watch so much here, i think i’m just constantly watching their fashion seeing what’s commonly acceptable and what’s not, or seeing how they communicate and stuffs.


Coffee bean in our campus! Huge branch!

Anyways so! Tuesday was once again a study session, this time at Coffee Break. Now I love Coffee Break because although it’s a little further away from the dorm as compared to Coffee Bean, it sells cheaper coffee and is more spacey and has abundant power points. 😀 Need to keep reminding myself to take a picture of the huge space! Seriously i can’t be a food blogger if i wanted to lmao it’s not instinctive enough for me to photograph everything i see

Wednesday, the cafe hopping day! We wandered around Hongdae, Jas and I,  trying to find Ding Dong Cafe which is an adventure-themed cafe. Had to ask for help to and this guy from a hipster male clothes store went all the way to help us, calling the store, asking around etc. I think the shop closed down :< so we backtracked and went to a cafe that caught our eye previously called My Mug, which I wrote about in a separate post prior to this one~~


Gave me good strength to start an extremely long lesson day, typical, wednesday.

On Thursday, we all decided to have nice picnic by the Han River to ecelebrate the weather growing warmer!

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Since we were at Han River we went to cycle a little bit! Karin, Ting Yu and I got lost while cycling back because we were taking photos of flowers lmao so we were overcharged but all’s good!!

After the picnic, I followed Zenn to her dance class rather impulsively, like I’m not sure why but yeah… so Shaun and I paid 20k for a trial run of the class. It was this studio called Negative Motion, one of the few studios that had instructors speaking in English. The class was okay, the pace was slow compared to Singapore classes but it was a good workout and stretch ahahaha.

On Friday, I had agreed to meet up with Hyunkyu, a Korean guy i met at a tutoring session. He said he wanted me to meet his friend who lived in Singapore for a while. It wasn’t a friend btw, it was girlfriend lOLOL. but anyways i pulled Zenn along to prevent awkwardness and it turned out to be a nice meeting ^^ Hyunkyu’s english isn’t as good so we had to speak Korean to him, but Hana (the girlfriend) lived in Singapore and all so she spoke fluent English. We ate at a western dining place and then moved to Homilbat, this famous Patbingsoo place in Sinchon!


The patbingsoo we ate that day!


This picture was actually taken when I went there with my parents!


Link to detailed post about Homilbat can be found at the top of this post, under ‘Food’.

So anyway, Hana Zenn and I got carried away chatting about her food blog and her setting up an English one to help tourists find the best food places in Seoul, and forgot that the oppa was zoning out because he didn’t understand everything ahahaha. Sorry oppa~ But yeah anyway Hana’s foodblog is here: it’s in Korean so it may not be useful to you guys but she said she wanted to open an English one if she has time. There aren’t a lot of native Koreans with English food blogs here so I told her her blog would have potential to become pretty popular.

We also chatted a lot about dating and the likes hahaha. She told us that in korea there is a term called 썸(Some). You may find this term familiar because of the famous KPOP song ‘Some’ , which is exactly the same term. ‘Some’ is a word you use to refer to someone with whom you have ‘something’ with. So there is something between you two, but you’re not actually dating, so you refer to the person as your ‘some’. That’s how the song came about. So people call each other Some-Nam (썸남), the guy you have something going on with, and Some-Yeo (썸여), the girl you have something going on with. It’s so much more fun lmfao like we would normally say ‘oh there’s a guy but it’s complicated’ but there’s actually a cute term for it in Korea.

So yeah that was most of our conversation hahaha. The oppa needed to go study urgently so they we parted ways.

Zenn and I then headed towards Apgujeong area, because I needed to fix my stupid EG sim card, and she said she didn’t mind going and shopping/hanging there.

I dropped at a station later than her to find the EG Sim card location. It wasn’t that hard to find, but it was a damn long wait. Finally they just replaced my sim card and luckily it’s working fine now. If i had to change my number that would be way too troublesome.

Went back to find Zenn who was chilling at Cafe Pascucci.


Apgujeong. Looking like Hongdae and any other normal streets LOL.


HARDLY A DECENT PICTURE HAHAHAA but you get the point, it was a pretty luxurious-ish branch cafe in Apgujeong. I was secretly on the watch out for celebrities cuz i know they come to this cafe often. But didn’t see any oh wells.

Saturday was Samcheok!!!!

On Sunday, it was another chiong study day so I just stayed at Coffee Bean once more.

That’s all! Finally phew. Done with my rigorous updates. Bye!