First Baseball Game!!!!

This deserves its own post just because. Haha.

So I was super pumped for the baseball game and actually we’ve been talking about it for some time but it kept getting delayed. Also you can’t really book tickets online unless you have a korean credit card so it was getting rather bothersome. In the end we just went down to buy the tickets ourselves~ the person spoke completely in Korean to me, I’m not really sure if they know English but be prepared to be able to indicate to them the seats you want and the team you’re supporting.

We paid only 10,000 won for the back area but it was decent because we could see what’s going on well enough. We arrived just on time to buy the tickets so we got all the way at the back, if you come early i’m pretty sure you can get a good seat with 10,000 won, but the area in general is not a good area to catch the balls. 12,000 won, just a little upgrade, could get you a pretty good seat with a good view. I love how it’s so affordable here in Korea, you could just say to your buddies  hey let’s watch a baseball game tonight and you guys can just fork out 10 bucks, grab some beers and chicken and chill for the night. 🙂

The game we were going for was Doosan Bears vs NC Dinos and we were supporting Doosan on their home ground. Turned out the supporters ratio for Doosan and NC was about 3:1 lol, NC is a fairly new team. We bought some chicken and soda to feel the atmosphere a little better (although the chicken turned out really crappy and soda priced was jacked up) and also those clapper thingies.

The location was kinda far, at Jamsil Stadium, so it took some time to get there. Actually who am i kidding, nothing is as far as traveling from home to SMU.


Jamsil stadium!

The atmostphere was pretty good on our side as Doosan is a popular group. What fascinated me the most about baseball here in Korea is that every team member seemed to have a cheer and song for themselves. It probably wasn’t the case for NC Dinos because they’re new, but for Doosan every time a new batter comes up everyone starts singing the player’s song. Haha. It’s pretty cool and it makes me wonder what kind of song i’d have if i was a baseball player.

Here are some examples of the cheers I heard at the game:

Cool no???? I was so fascinated at this!

Gershwin spent some time explaining to me and Jas about the rules of baseball because we we were quite clueless haha. But we caught on pretty fast and I enjoyed the game thoroughly, of course because Doosan was the clear winner lol.


Doosan bears homerun moment!




Some of my favorite players hahaha Byeongheon is handsome <33333

Watch baseball at least once if you’re in Korea! The atmosphere is amazing!