The week with the BF

A post on how the week went with the BF!

Sunday 18/5~

I had to wake up damn bloody early on a Sunday morning to do my part for a group project and upload it before daylight. Then went to pack my stuff and finally went on a long train ride to the airport. God bless the convenient train line I’m located at, but damn the journey. I’ve been rather pampered by how fast it is to get everywhere in Seoul, because in Singapore I take like almost an hour to go to school everyday. It took about 45 min~1 hour from Sinchon to Incheon airport + I had a seat all the way, and I was already so restless and annoyed haha. Seems like I’ve forgotten the inconvenience back home because Seoul subway has been too nice to me.

Waited at a cafe and studied Korean desperately because when he arrives I know I wouldn’t be able to study for the test which was due the next day. Oh noes.

It was strange seeing him after a long span of time, 5 months to be exact, so it was admittedly a little awkward HAHAHA but it was okay pretty fast.

That Sunday was spent very lazily though, because I wasnt feeling that well, so after a BBQ buffet we just went to rest and he had jet lag and all so by the time we actually went out again, it was like night time LOL.

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w my favorite samgyeopsal (pork belly) yumzzzzzz

We just wandered around Hongdae and ate Budae Jjigae at a restaurant that wasn’t that nice so I’m not gonna make a post on it… haha. Also finally tried Snow Spoon, the froyo place that Running Man filmed at once~

Photo 18-5-14 10 41 35 pm



very unflattering yogurt pic sorry wetried.jpg and the shit-color yogurt was earl grey yogurt LOL

It was an early rest although we woke up at 8pm HAHA.


Monday 19/5~

We woke up early the next day though, and dropped by a brunch place nearby… I forgot the store name, it has a ‘travel’ in it ahahaha.



It wasn’t cheap, although the portion was really decent. I remember paying 16,000 won altogether for both our brunch. The taste was decent, i mean you can’t really go wrong with toast, strawberry syrup and bananas and whipped cream so… haha. I wouldn’t recommend it in particular though because it wasn’t heavenly or something.

After that I was kinda forced to study Korean because my exam was on that day and I had low confidence of my level of preparedness. Luckily the BF was understanding so I dragged him to Cafe Comma which we walked past earlier on, and a cafe I’ve been wanting to visit! I’ve done a separate post on its own for this cafe here~



Fell in love with this cafe at first sight heh. Managed to get a bit of studying done but was still not prepared D: The BF went to walk around Hongdae by himself and came back after an hour or so raging over some store owner who charged him really high for a shirt and he couldn’t bargain it down lol. Also he got me a rose from a street store and until now i still have no idea what day it was that all the girls on the streets were also holding roses. I know Koreans have like special days to every 14th of the month but that was a totally random day o__o

Still unprepared for the exam, we left to go Sinchon to grab lunch and go back to my school early for me to pack for Jeju. I brought him to my favorite Soondubu place of course~~ mashineun soondubu!

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See how happy i look when i’m with my favorite food.


Then it was a mad rush to pack my stuff and head to my Korean exam. I was quite nervous at first in the interview but it turned out okay because like I posted in my previous korean posts, i tried to be as fluent as possible so the interviewer doesn’t realize i didn’t use the required grammar. I also left blanks for my written paper which couldn’t be helped because they tested stuff outside of the book 😦 I did well for the exam though, as I found out days later!!Phew.

After that we had time to relax a bit so we grabbed patbingsoo at my favorite Homilbat!

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I didn’t know it then but that was the last time I could eat the strawberry patbingsoo there 😦 Season for strawberries is over and they don’t have it anymore now.

Also walked past Churros Factory opposite Megabox so the BF got one and claimed it was the best churros he’s tasted lol.

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Walked around Edae since we had time before we needed to go to the airport, we each managed to find something, and after that headed to Sinchon to grab some chicken and beer!

While eating though we googled Gimpo airport and were horrified to realize that actually we can’t sleep over at Gimpo because security would chase you out LOL. Damn that one time we both didn’t research on something, and it turned out this way D:

So it was a mad rush and negligence of the fried chicken as we tried to find hostels available near Gimpo. We managed to find one, Korstay Hostel, that was decently near Gimpo so we could cab over the next morning. And it was very cheap, $33 a night for two of us!! It was such a golden find that we were suspicious. I called them to ask if they’re still open and they said they’ll wait for us to arrive. Took a bus there and arrived pretty quickly luckily, before midnight.

We checked in and was pleasantly surprised to see that the hostel is of decent quality!! 😀 Given the good price (flash sale) and good location, it was a great deal. Plus they provided amenities too, the other hostel we were at and the hostels for the next few days of the week didn’t.

Not much of a rest since we woke up at 5am thuogh… haha. We were lucky because the area had tons of cabs going past in the early morning.

And then it’s off to Jeju! Post here! 😀


After returning from Jeju on Thursday morning, we headed back to my school to repack and checked in the next hostel after getting lost for a decent period of time.

He wanted to see a palace so I brought him to Deoksugung palace which was nearest to Myeongdong since we were going to meet Matthias that night for dinner. It wasn’t a good palace, not recommending anyone to go! :/ super small and nothing much to see.

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One of the few pictures that didn’t capture ugly buildings behind it

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Picture at The Wall which is featured in many love dramas hahaha

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my awkz legs

Tried this cafe that everyone seems to be raging about.

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Tried the real strawberry milk but it wasn’t anything spectacular… although really good on a hot day like that!!

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Headed out of the palace and saw a lot of people gathering outside the palace, it was something related to Sewol.




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After seeing it, I remembered that we were at City Hall and that was where the Sewol memorial is held. So we walked around the area to take a look.

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Paper boats folded.


Drawings and notes to the victims. Post-trauma.


Depiction of the captain and crew telling the victims to stay as they leave.



It was kinda sad being there surrounded by the Sewol victim memorials. We paid our respects to the victims and went on our way.

Since we were at City Hall, we walked over to Myeongdong to shop while waiting for Matthias to arrive!

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32cm ice cream! We saw some Chinese tourists who took out a ruler immediately after receiving the ice cream LOL.

Met Matthias after that and had some chicken in soy sauce!! 😀

After Matthias left, we rested a bit at a nearby cafe and then headed over to Dongdaemun because the BF really really really wanted to see Dongdaemun’s night market altho I told him it’s really nothing much. Haha. It’s kinda ilke a wholesale market where they prepare their items for retail, and at the same time they’re open to selling it to you at a ‘cheaper’ rate. Be careful though because they rip off tourists.


One of the shopping buildings open at night



He managed to get some loot although they weren’t actually that cheap. So nah I’m not recommending the market.

And finally we headed home, super tired and sleepy.


On Friday, to make up for the lousy palace the day before, we decided to head to Changdeokgung. Post here! 

That ended at about 6PM haha damn long, and we headed back to Edae.


Walked by this store by chance while strolling along Edae finding backpacks and shades. I’ve seen it before but never really had the chance to try it, finally tried that day!

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Happy faces!! This treat was super delicious! It was froyo covered in chocolate fudge and candy sprinkles together with fudge-dipped fruits (strawberry and grapes), all on top of the standard Korean style fish bread with red bean filling. It was so heavenly eating through all that froyo and chocolate and fruit, and then eating the rest of bread with melted froyo. Yumm!!!!! only 3000 won! 😀

Headed to meet the Sogang kids after that for chicken and beer~


Saturday was bittersweet because we both knew he was leaving. So we headed to touristy places on that day, starting first with N Seoul Tower. Cheesy yes HAHA but it was a bit of an obligation~

We waited outside Myeongdong for the shuttle bus that would take us there. My first time up the N Seoul Tower was on foot so it was my first time too. I hated the crowd so much tho, like the bus was packed from Myeongdong all the way to N Seoul Tower, very much like Singapore buses, but not a common sight for me in Korea.

Bought only one lock/key set because we were cheapo and stingy HAHA. It kinda defines the concept of locking both your locks together but well  we can’t always conform…

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Also deciding not to write names or cheesy stuff since we were going to defy conventions anyway.

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The BF deliberately put it all the way in amongst the rusty locks llolol

OTW back because shuttle bus no.5 that we took was sooooo crowded, we just hopped on no.2 which took us to an area near Myeongdong instead of the station itself. About 10 min walk but at least we had seatts on the way back!

We went to the Han River after that to chill and found it was really nice to go there at night. There were bands playing and all too!

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We had our final meal together in Korea at my favorite Soondubu place HAHAHA, in my opinion it was an apt last meal but well he might not think the same way owells.

And then it was bye bye 😦 see you in a few weeks time and thank you for coming to Korea~~~