[Food] 홍콩 반점 0410 (Hongkong Banjum) – Jjambbong & Jjajangmyeon

Giving this shop its own feature because of how much I liked it! 😀

We stumbled upon this shop by pure accident as we were walking along Bukchon Hanok Village. I think this shop has several branches everywhere and I even spotted it in Sinchon, so if you’re looking to visit, it shouldn’t be hard to find~


We were attracted by the jjajangmyeon 4000 won sign haha it stood out amongst all the expensive bukchon hanok village restaurants. We went in and the menu was on the wall. It’s in Korean though, so it might be a bit of a problem if you can’t read. It’s a chain eatery so they might have english menus, no harm asking them~ nevertheless this store specializes in a few things so it’s not really hard to order even without any menu at all.

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We ordered our food and in around 5 minutes it was already served! Love the fast service!



Just FYI since I didn’t really know what was Jjambbong until that day, it’s a spicy seafood soup dish served with noodles. Usually they have rice variance of this dish too, Jjambboong-bab, in which they serve the soup with rice in or out of the soup. Jjajangmyeon is a noodle dish served with thick black soybean paste and chopped pork and vegetables, but you all probably know this already haha. Gunmandu is just panfried mandu.

When I was eating this food I kept thinking my parents would have loved to visit this store because they get so happy when they find such Chinese-inspired dishes in Korea xD


We ordered one 짜장면 Jjajangmyun (4000 won), 짬뿡밥 Jjambboong-bab (4500 won) and half serving of 군만두 (4 pieces, 2,000 won).



Special shoutout to the Jjambbong. At first we thought it was a Jjajangmyun specialized store because of the advertisement at the store front, but we realized afterwards based on the store decor and its website that it’s specializing in its Jjambbong. And truly it deserves to! The soup was super tasty ❤ I have to admit it might have some ramyun seasoning or msg in there to make it that tasty, but heck it was cheap and tasted so goood! Usually you don’t get Jjambbong that cheap so I was just appreciating every bite. The seafood was fresh, the soup not too spicy and has the right amount of savory, and I absolutely love rice in soup so that dish was basically made for me ❤

I’d recommend this place for sure, if you want something cheap for 4000 won that isn’t those typical Korean branch eateries. I’ve never made a post about those Korean eateries but basically they are eateries that provide almost every type of common Korean food all under one roof, and they are literally everywhere throughout Korea. Haha. Those are cheap and good but if you want something with more quality and taste, definitely Hongkong Banjum 0410 is where you can try to go.

Hongkong Banjum website: http://www.zzambbong.com/zzambbong/index.asp

They have plenty of branches but since we’re at it, I’ll list down the more common branches for easier viewing for those who don’t read Korean.

Sinchon Branch 2: (along what I term as ‘ sinchon madjib street’ with all my favorite food places~) via exit 3 or Uplex exit of Sinchon Station

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Hongdae Branch: Via Exit 9 of Hongik Univ. Station

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Myeongdong Branch 2: Via Exit 6 of Myeongdong Station. They have another branch further in Myeongdong and closer to Euljiro, but thought to leave this one here instead since the directions are simpler.

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Gangnam Branch: Via Gangnam Station exit 11.

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They have so many chains it’s impossible to list them all haha, if you can read Korean it’s gonna be a lot easier. If you can’t, well, if you’re really that keen to find one near your area, you can always contact me to ask and I can check for ya~

That’s all for this lovely 맛집! Do try it if you have the chance to 😀 The red/orange signboard is easy to spot so you might just spot one walking down some road. Haha.