Dumulmeori & Semiwon

Officially, this was my first solo trip out of Seoul. Granted it was only a day trip and it wasn’t very far haha. For some reason all my plans for solo travels always fail and I always end up traveling with others (although that isn’t a bad thing at all), so I was really excited for this one~

I first saw Dumulmeori on Karin’s instagram, who saw it from Sheryl’s instagram. Haha seriously Sheryl discovers all the cool places~ Dumulmeori is a place ‘where two rivers meet‘, literally that’s what it means.

So on a fine hot day, I set out to go to Dumulmeori! Grabbed an iced latte on the way and hopped on the train, ready to start the adventure. Reached the station and BAM it rained. I was so crestfallen, like is my first solo trip going to be ruined just like this?! I didn’t bring an umbrella and i know it’s inconvenient to travel while raining. But I just told myself to give it a chance and just wait, maybe the rain would stop? Fortunately it got lighter after a while and I chionged to an eatery to grab food first!


Hugeeeee bowl of Bibimbap!! 😀

The rain faded away but i decided to buy an umbrella anyway. one thing i noticed was that Korea doesn’t seem to have that many foldable umbrellas and the ones they sell are crappy and expensive :/ they sell lots of those transparent huge ones. I managed to find one that was nicer than most of the other crappy ones, but also more expensive, at $12. Sigh.

But it was fortunate i bought it though, cuz it rained after that haha.

After a nice meal I made my way towards Dumulmeori. It was a quiet path in and I passed by lots of private properties. I saw this coffee place on the way and stopped by to take a photo of the surroundings, before this yappy dog ran out and started barking at me. I thought he looked harmless tho so I stayeda round, but then he started to run out of the house so I put some distance between me and the place. I looked back to take a photo of him but the bugger started chasing me further down and admittedly i was quite scared LOL. Wouldn’t wanna get a nasty bite on my first solo trip.

But it was a bit wtf though because if it’s really a cafe they shouldn’t put a dog that would chase people out, or the owners should be alert to its barking right. Oh wells.


the annoying little fellow who chased me away :c


Walked on for like another 1km and saw this pretty sight:



so peaceful! 🙂

Reached the resting area and also the common point between Dumulmeori and Semiwon, which is some sort of a garden.


Bridge made out of boats~

I made my way to Dumulmeori first!



Lots of cyclists!

Dumulmeori itself was very pretty.



Particularly liked this photo!



It doesn’t look like that much on photo, but i think it was the kind of sights i like to see. If i had to choose a scenic location i like the most, i’d say lakes, rivers, cliffs, etc. I’m more for the water kind of sceneries, although beaches are kinda overrated to me. So that was particulraly why I liked Dumulmeori. It’s nice to just look at the sights and walk on my own leisurely pace. 🙂

There were plenty of restaurants and cafes around this area but i didn’t stop as i had no time.

I turned back and made my way back to the first checkpoint where I was deciding between Dumulmeori and Semiwon.


Saw this old couple along the way. They were taking selfies and all aww

Headed to Semiwon that was located across the boat bridge. Paid 4000won as entrance fee but saw lots of people going in without buyin tickets? Meh.

This bridge was quite the sight. It was supported on a bunch of boats.




I guess I’m going to warn first that I didn’t like Semiwon. It’s mostly personal preference, in my opinion at least, because I wasn’t a fan of flowers and gardens. But Karin who recommended me to go there loved it because she loves flowers. Haha. Depends.









pretty bridge



There were a lot of them photographers!




Looks pretty from here, OTW out!

How to get to Dumulmeori & Semiwon (they’re in the same area):

Yangsu Station (Jungang Subway Line), Exit 1. When you exit the station, just keep on going straight. There’s a sign pointing to the correct direction. It’s a bit of a walk but keep on going and look out for signs. You will go through an ulu area and come out to a road area, where you can go either right (dumulmeori) or left (semiwon). It doesn’t matter which since they’re in the same area, just pick one of the roads and keep on heading straight through a long path and you will get to the checkpoint.

It took me about an hour or so traveling from Gwangheungchang to Yangsu.


Gapyeong: Nami Island and Petit France

In a last minute decision, I decided to join Jasmine and Daphne to visit Nami Island and Petit France in Gyeonggi province! I agreed mostly because it was just a day trip and also that we could take a train there.

Getting to Gapyeong

By Subway: Take to Cheongpyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line). Normal train fares. Up to around 2000 won, depending on transfers etc.
By ITX: From Yongsan Station (Line 1), take the ITX to Gapyeong Station (Gyeongchun Line). 6900 won.

Both Cheongpyeong and Gapyeong stations are in Gapyeong area. A Gapyeong Circle Bus Tour will go past these two stops~ we took to Cheongpyeong because it was nearer.

We took the normal subway and from Sinchon it took about 1 hr 45 min. Part of me died on the train because i suck at standing for long periods of time and the train was crowded with hiking ahjummas and cycling ahjussis who were probably heading to Chuncheon area.

Upon reaching Gapyeong, we headed to the tourist information center to find out more.  Because we were short of time we only chose Nami Island and Petit France. Tourist information lady was so happy we understood Korean that she gave us this discount booklet although we didn’t use it~


Getting around Gapyeong: Using the Gapyeong Circle Bus Tour/Shuttle Bus. It costs 5000 won for a day pass.



Gapyeong shuttle bus schedule

The bus service goes two ways so make sure you get on the right one. Ask the driver for confirmation htat the bus is headed to where you want to go.

The recommended itinerary from Gapyeong Station was to go Nami -> Petit -> Morning Calm -> Cheongpyeong station. If you planned to go by normal subway, it’s easier to go back to Cheongpyeong Station after Morning Calm, instead of all the way back to Gapyeong. Cheongpyeong is also nearer to Seoul.

From Cheongpyeong, we were recommended Morning Calm -> Petit -> Nami -> Gapyeong Station.

But because Morning Calm was kinda expensive to enter, we decided to just wait it out so we can give ample time for Nami and Petit.

Nami Island

I feel the need to give a disclaimer that I wouldn’t recommend Nami Island. It was a bit of an obligation since I’m in Korea already, but it was really disappointing, especially seeing it close to summer haha.

Anyways, To get to Nami Island we took a ferry which came with the entry visa/ticket. We got a discount of 2000 won because we showed our ARCs.



It’s cute that they make it into a country and give visas and stuff


Snowman family outside Nami! snowmen are like the official mascots for Naminaminami



Entered Nami Island!




the famous rows of trees were disappointing unfortunately



Walked past and saw the Singapore merlion proppd on one of the bridges but it looked so dope like on drugs or smth are u ok



saw a bear in the trees so i offered help


accidentally stumbled upon a pretty scenery

Aaaaaand that concluded Nami Island. Haha. Not really on my recommendations list.

Petit France

Again, disclaimer. Not on my recommendations list. Haha.

The place was actually quite pretty but there were so many people that it’s hard to get a good photo at all.



Crowds of people!


Theater show! we weren’t on time to catch the show tho




#CONVINCING itried.jpg


Relatively decent shot from the corner






And that’s it for Petit France and Nami Island! We caught the last bus at 615ish back and had nice Patbingsoo and yep that concluded our long day! Highly possible to finish both in a day, with morning calm perhaps you may need to depart a bit earlier. We reached Gapyeong at like 12 lol.