[Cafe Hopping] Cafe La Bueno @ Sangsu

Very often my favorite spots are the quietest and most local of cafes. I’ve been to plenty that are popular amongst bloggers etc but my favorite are still the ones less ventured, just because it feels more local.. almost like i’m in an entirely strange land. It’s nice.

This one is called Cafe La Bueno and it’s really pretty obscure. I only stumbled upon it by accident while walking from my hostel to Sangsu (again, not a common route i’d guess, because it’s not the closest station and usually people wouldn’t really venture to Sangsu. I only do so because I snooped around long enough in Korea to know that it’s pretty much the backyard of Hongdae haha.

So yeah, this was a cafe that was frequented, seemingly, just by the residents living around. There’s this regular gentleman who’s there doing his work too haha. Yeah I went to this cafe more times than I’d like to admit…  








The coffee prices were affordable! I’m squinting to see the menu i captured here LOL but should be around 4,000 won or less for an iced latte. 


I love these kinds of no-fuss cafes. Nothing fancy or photo worthy, but still a very nice space to be in ^^ Also not too crowded.



They have outdoor seating too!


Mandatory latte shot LOL



Bagel and cream cheese were super tasty!



From outside~

From my memory, I loved this cafe best when it went to nighttime. Idk how to describe this but from when i was young i’ve always had this crazy dream imagining myself as a successful independent woman who gets to travel on her work and at night I’d be sitting myself down at a nice cafe or bar looking at the nightlife and feeling like I’m on an adventure, and then somewhere along there I also imagined falling in love. Haha. I have somewhat a romantic image generally of city nightlife (think Paris kind of feel),  perhaps it’s because that’s where a lot of love stories happen in movies. So anyways, that kinda gave me a nostalgic feel when I was at Cafe La Bueno. Cuz after all, I was traveling independently just not for work, I was sitting at a nice cafe and I was looking at the nightlife of a beautiful city. Sigh. The nostalgia.

I ranted too much.

How to get to Cafe La Bueno @ Sangsu:

It’s a secret. It’s my little cafe sanctuary. 


Really, i’m not telling.

Although google would probably tell you the answer

But i’m really not telling. You must be thinking i’m really lame or lazy cuz the cafe isn’t even that nice HAHA

[Cafe Hopping] Cafe Jass @ Hongdae

Almost done with all of my cafe hopping adventures! 😀 Cleaning up Korea’s daily updates and going to start updating about Singapore life and get this blog going gogogogo. I’m already about a month behind time but hopefully i can fill in the blanks with memories.

So this cafe is one that was visited by Seohyun and Yonghwa, called Cafe JASS. Those who watched WGM would know… for me I didn’t even watch the show but the cafe looks really nice and cosy. 


Entrance to JASS!

The cafe was decently crowded when I went in, but luckily found a spot at the end. Very small but cosy cafe. 

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They’re famous for their goguma latte but being the budget cheapskate I was there (funny that when I’m back to Singapore I splurge like nobody’s business lol) I ended up ordering a normal iced latte. Haha.


There were quite a few foreigners there whom I guess came here because of WGM and Seohyun and Yonghwa. I just tried to be discreet and not act like a fangirl hahaha.


You can see at the table I was sitting that I bought a new macbook charger. That was really annoying, my charger basically ripped apart like just 10 days before I was due to go back -_- knowing i’d have to get one when I go back anyway, I resorted to getting from the Apple store in Hongdae. It was damn expensive like 99,000 won that’s about $120? I think it’s supposed to be cheaper than that though???? I feel i got ripped off LOL. I thought that it would be standard price everywhere. Oh well.


Seohyun and Yonghwa fan items!

Very nice homey feel! 

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I even found a warriors book in korean!! My favorite series from childhood!



 How to get to Cafe JASS @ Hongdae:

Very helpful map put up by littlemisshoo! ^^

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[Cafe Hopping] Leeman’s Cafe @ Hongdae

Another cafe! I particularly liked this one more because it’s suitable for sticking around long and it’s a no-fuss cafe that has everything you need there. I like this kind the most. There are plenty of branches for Cafe Leeman’s actually but I think I’d recommend it as a chain cafe in general because of it’s so beautiful. I believe Leeman’s was originally a restaurant? But they launched their own line of cafes too.

It is not a popular cafe in general in Seoul because of course there are so many good cafes out there. But idk i just liked this one for its no-fuss pretty decor and table space. Haha. Well I’d come here to do work so maybe that’s why.



The first floor view from the counter~


View from the entrance~


A corner on the first floor~


Water etc all there!


Option to sit by the windows!


Second floor!

I took more pictures of the second floor but my phone fucked up so when I backtracked, those pictures were lost 😥 I had some pretty pictures too. Oh wells. Here’s a picture of my coffee anyway.


Haha this latte was the most bitter cup of latte I’ve tasted with the most proportion of coffee compared to milk. Zenn was cringing at the taste but I kinda like it. Quite affordable for a large cup too, if I’m not wrong around 4000 or 5000 won.

Also I really love their logo haha.

This was visited on my second last week in Seoul so I had nothing much left to do and was alternating days for travel and cafe hopping. Haha. And also catching up with friends. Had a catch up with Melinda and her friend who visited from Singapore and had a bittersweet last BBQ meal, and a long walk through Sinchon to Edae and back again. Sigh. 😥

How to get to Cafe Leeman’s (Hongdae Branch): There are two options, from Hongik Univ. Station or Sangsu station.

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Head out from exit 2 of Sangsu station, or

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Head out from exit 9 of Hongik Univ. Station.

Hope you like the cafe. I personally like it although it’s not popular in general. 🙂

[Cafe Hopping] Cafe aA Design Museum @ Hongdae / Sangsu

I am back!

So I was browsing through my picture hustory and saw that I haven’t written about a couple of places towards the end of my exchange. And I feel like my travelogue is incomplete until i take it to the end, so here I am finishing up and tying up loose strings. When I’m done with all update posts, I’m going to start writing general things about Korea~ Around this time exchange is starting for a lot of folks, so it’s the perfect time to write a guidelist that hopefully might be useful for everyone in the future as well.

Sorry for the little rant at the front! Without further ado, introducing one of the more famous cafes around in Hongdae: aA Cafe 



From the storefront alone I kinda understood why it was such a popular cafe around for both tourists and locals.


Very nice and spacey! I saw that there was an open-spaced second floor so I went up instead because it seemed more appropriate for one-seaters.


There were also power points! Yay!

I had a pretty view from there.



My view from the terrace floor



My view looking towards the counter


My view directly before me

Ordered a cup of iced latte for about 6000 won. The thing I didn’t like was that the waiters come over to take your order and you pay later on, usually I prefer those whereby I go up and order myself and then they don’t bother me for the rest of the time and I can leave whenever I want cuz i’m a loner like taht?! But anyway they served me and left the bill on the table and I stayed there for a while.

The toilet was located on another floor at the end of the building.



On the way to the toilet I saw some exhibitions. I think it’s a museum on the upper floor.





My view from the exit leading to the toilet


Little seating area outside

Great cafe. Would recommend for both alone and group gatherings. Only thing is that it’s a bit on the pricey side and the drinks are nothing fancy. I just went to soak up the beautiful decor haha. Would recommend but wouldn’t be my regular cafe to visit.

How to get to Cafe aA: As with a lot of Hongdae cafes, they are more accessible via Sangsu station.

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[Cafe Hopping] 정효훈 JHH Dream @ Sangsu/Hongdae

Sangsu is also known as the backyard of Hongdae. This is my own term btw HAHA but it’s true, lots of cafes that are labelled as being in Hongdae are located very close to Sangsu station, so in my opinion if you get off at Sangsu station and just walk a bit you’ll find plenty of great cafes. I don’t think Sangsu is an actual location so that’s why the addresses are all gonna reflect Hongdae, but yeah I’ll still say Sangsu… #REBEL

Anyway, the day after moving into my new hostel at MORI and doing laundry and whatnot I finally got my ass out of the house to eat and find a cafe. I was initially aiming to visit some cafes I researched on online, but i walked past this cafe and backtracked and just decided to go in. Fortunately i did! It was a pretty cosy cafe with decent amount of space.


The drinks were also really affordable, around 3000 won for my latte~ Seating area was only on the 2nd and third floor!


The second floor~



The third floor~ I like how the girl’s outfit fit nicely into the surroundings.

There were ample power points in this area!



As expected of most cafes in Seoul, they also provide blankies, books to read and water ^^



The iced latte was delicious! I mean yes a latte is basically just milk and coffee but idk i guess i like the mix proportions of this particularly cup. 🙂 Not too bitter or too milky!


This particular  cafe also provided charger points for handphones~ ❤

I’m typing this in a Starbucks branch in Singapore btw and I miss Korea sooooooo much for their cafes :/ There’s so much life in every cafe over there and they pay attention to so many details. Over here it kinda feels like some cafes are being churned out just to satisfy people looking to feel hipster visiting artisan cafes, and maybe because of that i don’t feel that same kind of attention to customers like the ones in Korea. It’s kinda like.. you visiting my cool cafe benefits you more than me so it’s not really necessary for me to provide the small details. It’s the small things that matter though. Cafes in Korea are so customer friendly, always providing wifi, toilets, power points, blankets, water, etc. And there’s always a personal touch in the decor of cafes that give them that personality. Also the cafes in Korea are supportive of lone visits or visits for study/work purposes. In Singapore it’s mostly just a nice atmosphere to talk and catch up. When I need alone time in Singapore where do I go then?! D:

I’m seeing more and more personality cafes in Singapore pop up, but I’m still waiting for cafes to become more customer friendly. If I do set up my own in the future I’m definitely going to draw my inspiration from Korea’s cafes. ^^

I talked too much about cafes haha.

How to get to JHH Dream @ Sangsu/Hongdae:

Take exit 2 from Sangsu Station and head on straight. Cafe JJH Dream will be on your left~ white building!


Seoul Accommodation: MORI Guesthouse

My favorite guesthouse! ❤

Because of this guesthouse honestly, i have no regrets or anger or sadness that my goshiwon cancelled on me. I’m thrilled now because i get to find this really affordable and amazing guesthouse! 😀 I didn’t book this one through booking.com or hostelworld as I usually do, so I felt it was so wasted if I didn’t write something on it somewhere on the net…

So without further ado!

I had lots of luggage so I was super relieved to find out that the nearest station Gwangheungchang had elevators all the way, and the guesthouse had no staircase! Phew. I’ve learned from previous experiences that guesthouses are usually not located on the first floor so yeah. But MORi was something more of an entire apartment building if I have to put it that way, so it was nice 🙂

The moment of entrance was a large carpark but it’s used as a space for bicycles and laundry.


Entering MORI~



Upon entering they would ask you to take off your shoes and provide really cute little bathroom slippers.



Waking up to smiley slippers everyday does help haha

My first reaction when I walked in was woah they’re spacey!! 😀



Very pretty design!

It’s a little bit complicated for me because i actually went through booking.com first and booked 8-bed room for 11 nights, then found their website and decided to email in to see if there is possible ways to make special arrangements because i wanted to stay in 6-bed room. The initial plan was 6-bed room for 7 nights, then 8-bed room for 4 because for two days in between there isn’t room in the 6-bed room. But they made a mistake in reserving so for my last 2 nights they had to move me to another 6-bed room. So I had to move twice and i stayed in 3 different rooms altogether in my 11 nights.

I was honestly just glad they didn’t suddenly tell me i needed to evacuate so it didn’t bother me, and they were very apologetic about it. It also allowed me to see the different rooms and compare. Actually there was a pretty big diference which i’ll point out later on~

Upon arrival James led me to the 6-bed room on the first floor. It was very pretty and i loved the colors! 😀 He told me about the guesthouse rules which were basic, and they had no curfew. They also provided locker keys and small towels.


Now this room’s bed was very comfortable, because they added a comforter on top of it. It was soft and i was so happy when i first sat down on the bed. 😀

I’m a sucker for curtains and now not only do I have my on personal curtain, i also have my personal bed light!! 😀 this was plus points for the guesthouse and it was one of the reasons i chose to book it over the others. The whole privacy thing makes it so convenient for you to change or stay up late without disturbing other guests.

I was also pleasantly surprised to find that it was bigger than expected. Most guesthouses have pictures that are extended so they are pretty much smaller than what we see on the internet, but MORI was pretty accurate with their pictures and i was comfortable with the space.


Personal lighting and curtains~ and pretty bed colors!


My fortress at night. All nice and cosy!

There was no window in this room so i wake up every day in some kind of inception thing like is it day or night?? And because it’s so nice and dark and cosy in my little fortress that i often end up like where’s the curtain?? and end up groping the wall on the wrong side trying to open the curtain lol.

He showed me around the guesthouse. There were three bathrooms on the first floor but if you wanna bathe after 12 you have to go the one upstairs. Probably because the three bathrooms on the first floor are really close to the rooms so it’s kinda noisy.

There was also a mini makeup area outside the rooms on the first floor.



He then showed me the second floor.


The second floor had more rooms and even more bathrooms!!


bathroooooooooms galore! no waiting for shower stalls! Yay!

Each bathroom looks similar to this:



Nice clean bathrooms! Bathrooms are very important to me in guesthouses and often determine whether a guesthouse is yay or nay for me. Haha. This one was one of the cleanest I’ve seen, despite there being so many of them. Everyday at about 11am ish a cleaning lady comes around to scrub every bathroom clean haha. I leave the guesthouse really late everyday which is why i kinda know that they come in around afternoon time LOL.

Cleaning ladies or the owners of the guesthouse also enter the room at around noon time-ish to quickly sweep and mop the floor, as well as change the sheets/blankets for the vacant beds. This is when the curtains are extra useful. Although technically you shouldn’t be expecting people still sleeping at noon but well they were prepared for guests like me.

They’re really diligent and efficient with their cleanliness which was really nice 🙂 They’re not by any means a tiny guesthouse so it was nice to see they had a system they stick diligently to.

Anyway, the second floor had this mega huge-ass makeup room, probably to accommodate the numebr of rooms on that floor.



Huge right?! Part of why i really appreciate the sincerity of this guesthouse is that they could have turned this area into like two more rooms and earn more monehhhh (makeup rooms aren’t that common in guesthouses), or they could also reduce the bathrooms if they wanted to. But they’re not stingy with the space and make sure the guesthouse is very comfortable for guests. Bordering on luxurious I’d have to say considering the price they charge their guests. Many guesthouses out there charge much higher and i doubt their service comes close to what MORi offers.


One area of the second floor of the guesthouse, also where i stayed at for the last 4 nights


Bins and water dispenser available on the second floor too!

We didn’t stay around at the second floor much. I got to know the second floor much better later on though when i shifted there after my first week on the first floor haha.

He showed me around the lounge area afterwards!

This is what I see when I first open the door to the lounge:


like woah! I’ve never seen such a huge lounge in a guesthouse seriously ❤


The tables and hangout areasssss


The kitchen area!

I watched the World Cup finals here!!



As per other guesthouses, they provide bread, eggs, coffee and juice. But just like Guesthouse 710, they also provide cereal!! Any guesthouse that provides cereal is like a bonus!!! woohoo



I end up ditching eggs because there’s always cereal. Glory. When they stock up on the chocolate ones it’s the most glorious thing ever.

After a week on the first floor, i had to move to the 8-bed room for two days. At first she was gonna move me to the one opposite the reception area since i had lots of luggage, but after finding out that eventually i have to go up to the second floor for the last 2 nights at another 6-bed room, i figured meh just move now. And she said the 8-bed room upstairs is bigger than the one downstairs.

So I agreed.

She was right, it was bigger! The pictures online looked quite cramped so i was worried.  But you can see in the picture below that you could fit large luggages comfortably in between the beds!


Luckily for me i had a nifty little corner to tuck my luggages in.


Nifty corner!

This room had sunlight streaming in haha, unlike the first one. No more waking up to a dark nice cosy cave 😦

The beds on this floor weren’t as comfortable as the one i slept in on the first floor. They didn’t add the comforter for these rooms but i wasn’t complaining because i really liked this place~~ i felt that they were already giving me much more than I paid for. Talk about utility man.

On the last 2 days, I moved next door to the 6-bed room one. Actually this was just an 8-bed room converted to a 6-bed room LOL, so the space where the last bed is becomes luggage space. Again I felt like they could have utilized the space to convert it to an 8-bed room but they didn’t and maybe that’s for a functional reason but nevertheless it was nice to have so much space in a guesthouse i didn’t pay much for. The others were always so cramped 😦


So much luggage space over there!!! woohooo! Perfect for when i packed on my last day~


Look at how our huge luggages looked dwarfed in that immense amount of space. glorious


Plenty of space for everyone! If you’re looking to move into this guesthouse you can always let the hosts know that you have lots of luggage, they’re more than happy to give you the room that has more spaces. Because some rooms are smaller than others despite them being the same type of rooms.


Fortress style~

I now understand why they have an almost perfect rating on all the booking sites. Seriously they deserve it for their dedication and attention to detail! So pretty, clean, spacey… and the hosts are so super nice! 😀

I think because of all the makeup rooms the hostel end up being mostly girls-dominated. LOL. They do have male dorms i think but i’ve seen only like 3 males out of all my 11 nights and they only appear during breakfast or at night at the lounge area.

The catch is that this guesthouse is extremely affordable! It’s actually cheaper if you contact them directly, plus they gave me a 10% discount for long term stay. You wouldn’t get the same price if you booked through an agent. But then again the benefit of an agent is that you can cancel without losing any deposit, whereas my direct booking at MORI required me to pay 50,000 won in advance to secure my booking. It didn’t matter to me though because i was pretty sure i wanted to stay there~


With one of the hosts, Jiae! They both speak fluent English 🙂

Name: Mori Guesthouse
Location: 12-8, Seogang-ro 1-gil, Mapo-guSeoul 121-881South Korea
Nearest station: Gwangheungchang Line 6, 2 min walk
Nearby: Sinchon (10-15 min walk), Hongdae (15 min walk), Sangsu  (7 min walk)
Price: (via website) 19,000 won / night for 6-bed room, 17,000 won / night for 8-bed room. Discount for long stays. My booking for 7 nights in 6-bed room and 4 nights in 8-bed room came up to 180,900 won which is a little below 17,000 won per night, because of the discount. I ended up with 9 nights in 6-bed room and 2 nights in 8-bed room for the same pice because of their little slip up though hehe. Free upgrade!
Website: http://www.housemori.com/main/index

Its location is probably its worst drawback which also probably explains the price. But i wouldn’t sweat it. I mean unless you’re staying for like exchange or smth tht requires you to keep coming back to the same area everyday (like for exapmle you wanna hang out in Hongdae 3 times a week), then it’ll benefit you to find a guesthouse closer to Hongdae. But if you’re a traveler honestly the subway is all you need and this guesthouse has a subway really close by. There’s a lack of food nearby though but i always walk to Sinchon cuz it’s a straightforward route down and isnt far. All the good food places are there.

[Food] Gamjatang (Pork Ribs Soup with Potatoes) @ Chamimat Gamjatang



So… to start off this post, an introduction about this Korean dish called Gamjatang, that is probably less well known compared to other local delights. Good ole Wikipedia is pretty reliable for food stuff at least.

Gamjatang (감자탕) is a spicy Korean soup made with pork spine or ribs, potatoes, vegetables, green onion, hot peppers and ground wild sesame seeds. It is a matter of contention whether the name of the soup comes from the word for potato (감자; gamja) or not, because the soup is frequently served without potatoes.

The soup base is a deep red colour from the red hot peppers.

Now that we’re all clear about what Gamjatang is, without further ado, presenting one of the tastiest dishes I’ve tasted in Korea (idk if it’s the restaurant or the dish itself that’s just amazing but idc it was glorious!!!!)

Gamjatang (Pork Ribs Soup with Potatoes) @ Chamimat Gamjatang 참이맛 감자탕 

I ate Gamjatang @ Chamimat on the last day of my last week of school with Zenn after hunting for a Goshiwon, choosing to eat this on Zenn’s recommendation instead of chicken+beer that the rest were having. Never regretted that decision.


The menu serves small medium large, but because it was only Zenn and I, we asked the staff for individual servings. It was really cheap! Only 6000 won for one person with rice included 😀


While waiting for the soupppp





Omg there are so many things i wanna talk about this dish and my mouth’s watering thinking about it. The meat was super soft and fell off the bones easily, I was probably in tears when i had my first taste of the meat because of how tender it was. T____T The soup was delicious because it wasn’t too spicy and the pork taste went so well with the pepper and chili seasoning.

Ok i’m sorry i suck at describing food, i can’t be like those writers with really good descriptive skills oRZ SORREH.

But point of this post is, try this dish and restaurant!!! It’s a really good meal in my opinion especially if you like spicy soup and pork ribs. I love both so this was one of the best meals for me. Let’s not forget the potatoes as well!! They weren’t the main part of the meal (and are often omitted from the soup) but by rights ‘Gamja’ originated from potato so they deserve a proper mention.

How to get to Chamimat 

Around Seoul, there are plenty of Chamimat branches. I went to the one at Hongdae. You can refer to the site to search for stores, but it’s in Korean T___T

Hongdae Branch: 서울특별시 마포구 서교동 364-16 2층 | 364-16 (2nd floor) Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Accessible via:
1) Hapjeong Exit 3

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2) Accessible via Hongdae exit 9

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Official web page with map
Other branches in Seoul

On a side note, I realized they have a branch at Sinchon along my favorite food street :’)

[Food] Outdoor Factory (Korean BBQ) @ Hongdae / Sangsu

Impromptu invite from Jasmine to join her and Daphne for dinner after their Incheon adventures! I had turned down going Incheon although I arrived back from Ulsan on Friday night, and had both Saturday and Sunday free. I chose to stay home both days to rest and do work and catch up with life in general. I woke up so late on Saturday anyway and i didn’t have much daylight left LOL. I was actually about to turn down this invite to Outdoor Factory on Sunday as well, but decided to just go. I kinda realized that I shouldn’t put off anything anymore thinking that I might have another opportunity cuz it’s likely i probably won’t. Haha.

So after lots of contemplations i agreed and got my butt off my chair and met them at Outdoor Factory!! This restaurant provides normal Korean BBQ but in a camping concept! The pictures will speak for themselves 🙂

Without further ado, Outdoor Factory @ Hongdae / Sangsu:


I brought out my DSLR just to take clear, good quality pics because S4 really sucks at night time photos 😦 And also took the photos after eating and chatting so everyone has left 😀


The decor was fabulous! Just look at at those walls and the red paint! And the pretty standing props. And I fell in love with the foldable chairs as soon as i saw them haha. And those lamps at every table! Bonus Christmas-y tree at the corner!!



foldable chairs ❤




Sorry the menu is small D: For the benefit of those who may not know Korean, the Outdoor Factory menu in English (the top half, food menu) is as follows:

pork neck
pork belly (samgyeopsal)
pork skirt
salad spaghetti
assorted sausages
grilled jumbo shrimp
goguma (sweet potato)
kimchi ramyun
white rice

They might have an English menu, i think you can ask. The waiter that served us knew a little English too. The beer was free for us!! I’m not sure why maybe a promotion was going on..?

We only ordered pork necks and belly (samgyeopsal) for our meat, there are also sausages, sweet potato etc on the menu. You’re required to order one portion of the main menu for each person. Maybe you can get away with not ordering but usually in Korea in these kinds of places, 3 people = 3 portions.


Good ole pork, garlic, mushrooms, hashbrown and ramyun!



Not complete without ramyun in a pot!!!!


top left corner: plastic water bottle and beer in plastic cups!!


look at the adorable spork.

Overall, the food was tasty – I liked it! Jasmine said that it was quite normal to her but idk to me the pork tasted better than a lot of others I’ve tasted. Perhaps it’s the grill? I’m not sure. But it did taste better than usual to me. Nevertheless, the charm of this restaurant is the concept more than the food, so I still think it’s worth a shot! We spent 11,000 per person for a good meal that left our bellies full and happy and oily. And we didn’t order rice! So the portions were more than enough, at least for us.

I’d recommend this as one of the best concept BBQ restaurants I’ve seen! Must go if you love the camping theme!

How to get to Outdoor Factory: The nearest station is Sangsu Station, but it’s accessible via Hongdae as well. I got a bit lost while navigating because the streets are all connected and there are LOTS of lanes in that area. So follow the map carefully~

아웃도어팩토리 (Outdoor Factory): 서울특별시 서강공 02-322-1674 

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[Cafe Hopping] Cafe Comma (Book Cafe) @ Hongdae, Cafe the Puzzle @ Edae

Yayyyyy posting about a book cafe I wanted to visit for a long time!!!!

Cafe Comma @ Hongdae

I had been seeing reviews of this for a while but was lazy to venture out to Hongdae. By chance, while trying to find our hostel, the BF and I walked past this cafe and I fell in love.


I’m usually not for totally open concepts because it makes me feel like the world is watching, I usually like little corners of a cafe, but this was really an exception!



They also have an area that looks a lot like a library! Actually the whole place resembles a huge library and that’s what makes it so charming~


I just realized they placed ladders against the bookshelves for people to retrieve books. It’s so tall though I’m not sure I can see the books at all, much less go up there to fetch it… I also love that shelf/door concept they did there ❤


The cafe was deathly quiet when I entered the extended area of the cafe. It’s pretty conducive because the noise level is extremely low, but it is pretty crowded as well so it might be easy to get distracted. Not to mention the sheer amount of books!


Super love the ladder although it kinda fell smack in the center of this area haha. I suspect that I’l be visiting this more than once~ the coffee is a bit more pricey than usual (5300won for a cafe latte), but it’s a book cafe so i’d go if i plan to stay a long time. Also I have this desire to go there when I’m done with studying, just to grab a nice book off those shelves and read the entire day. Been having the desire to do something like this for a long time so I hope I’ll get the chance to do it soon!

How to get to Cafe Comma: Hongik Univ. Station Exit 3 – the cafe is right outside the subway!

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Cafe the Puzzle @ Edae

As soon as the BF left i had a group meeting which left me very sian. Luckily Jas suggested going cafe after that to do some work so we decided to go to a cafe in Edae that we saw quite some time ago. It’s called Cafe the Puzzle, on the second floor of a building. It was cosy upon entry and we were the only ones in the cafe on a chilly rainy Sunday night~ ^^







Love the decor of the cafes. Everything feels so personalized with the charming, rather uncoordinated manner of decoration.


Of course, the theme of this cafe was a puzzle cafe so they have plenty of puzzles you can take from the counter or shelves, with all kinds of difficulty. A couple that came in a while after us were doing this puzzle on a patterned canvas and we were like lmfao omg every piece looked the same.

while waiting for coffee, I picked up a cute set to cheer myself up from the sianness.


Didn’t even manage to complete the external perimeter of the jigsaw before our drinks were served~


I got Jasmine to move out of the way for this shot lmao. Feat. Totoro at the back omg so adorbs ❤

The drinks were slightly less pricey than usual, this ice blended drink was 5000 won. Iced cafe latte is about 4000 won if i’m not mistaken, while a warm one is 3,500 won. I use lattes as the benchmark because it’s what I always drink LOL. As a general rule of thumb, typically an Americano would be 300-500won cheaper than a latte, flavored drinks would be 500-1000won more expensive, and ice blended drinks would be 1200-2000won more expensive. Very general range haha but when I state the latte price you can more or less guess the other drinks on the menu~ Standard price for a latte for most cafes is 4500 won.

How to get to Cafe the Puzzle: From Ewha Womans University station exit 5, walk straight and keep a lookout on your right.

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[Food] 홍콩 반점 0410 (Hongkong Banjum) – Jjambbong & Jjajangmyeon

Giving this shop its own feature because of how much I liked it! 😀

We stumbled upon this shop by pure accident as we were walking along Bukchon Hanok Village. I think this shop has several branches everywhere and I even spotted it in Sinchon, so if you’re looking to visit, it shouldn’t be hard to find~


We were attracted by the jjajangmyeon 4000 won sign haha it stood out amongst all the expensive bukchon hanok village restaurants. We went in and the menu was on the wall. It’s in Korean though, so it might be a bit of a problem if you can’t read. It’s a chain eatery so they might have english menus, no harm asking them~ nevertheless this store specializes in a few things so it’s not really hard to order even without any menu at all.

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We ordered our food and in around 5 minutes it was already served! Love the fast service!



Just FYI since I didn’t really know what was Jjambbong until that day, it’s a spicy seafood soup dish served with noodles. Usually they have rice variance of this dish too, Jjambboong-bab, in which they serve the soup with rice in or out of the soup. Jjajangmyeon is a noodle dish served with thick black soybean paste and chopped pork and vegetables, but you all probably know this already haha. Gunmandu is just panfried mandu.

When I was eating this food I kept thinking my parents would have loved to visit this store because they get so happy when they find such Chinese-inspired dishes in Korea xD


We ordered one 짜장면 Jjajangmyun (4000 won), 짬뿡밥 Jjambboong-bab (4500 won) and half serving of 군만두 (4 pieces, 2,000 won).



Special shoutout to the Jjambbong. At first we thought it was a Jjajangmyun specialized store because of the advertisement at the store front, but we realized afterwards based on the store decor and its website that it’s specializing in its Jjambbong. And truly it deserves to! The soup was super tasty ❤ I have to admit it might have some ramyun seasoning or msg in there to make it that tasty, but heck it was cheap and tasted so goood! Usually you don’t get Jjambbong that cheap so I was just appreciating every bite. The seafood was fresh, the soup not too spicy and has the right amount of savory, and I absolutely love rice in soup so that dish was basically made for me ❤

I’d recommend this place for sure, if you want something cheap for 4000 won that isn’t those typical Korean branch eateries. I’ve never made a post about those Korean eateries but basically they are eateries that provide almost every type of common Korean food all under one roof, and they are literally everywhere throughout Korea. Haha. Those are cheap and good but if you want something with more quality and taste, definitely Hongkong Banjum 0410 is where you can try to go.

Hongkong Banjum website: http://www.zzambbong.com/zzambbong/index.asp

They have plenty of branches but since we’re at it, I’ll list down the more common branches for easier viewing for those who don’t read Korean.

Sinchon Branch 2: (along what I term as ‘ sinchon madjib street’ with all my favorite food places~) via exit 3 or Uplex exit of Sinchon Station

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Hongdae Branch: Via Exit 9 of Hongik Univ. Station

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Myeongdong Branch 2: Via Exit 6 of Myeongdong Station. They have another branch further in Myeongdong and closer to Euljiro, but thought to leave this one here instead since the directions are simpler.

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Gangnam Branch: Via Gangnam Station exit 11.

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They have so many chains it’s impossible to list them all haha, if you can read Korean it’s gonna be a lot easier. If you can’t, well, if you’re really that keen to find one near your area, you can always contact me to ask and I can check for ya~

That’s all for this lovely 맛집! Do try it if you have the chance to 😀 The red/orange signboard is easy to spot so you might just spot one walking down some road. Haha.