Ihwa Mural Village

I think this is Day… 26 in Korea? Haha yep should be it.

It was a Friday and after a long tiring day at class, Sheryl invited me to join her and the Ewha girls to go Ihwa Mural Village! I’ve actually never heard of it before but I had some time to spare before I meet the Inha girls and Ting Yu for dinner so let’s go!!!!

Took us a while to find the exact location because it wasn’t that near the train station.

RANDOM NOTE: I AM UPSET BECAUSE MY CAMERA SETTINGS WERE ACCIDENTALLY SET TO THE LOWEST QUALITY POSSIBLE LIKE BY ACCIDENT LAKJDGHLAJG i always set it to L quality but it somehow switched to S3, i think because it’s touch screen so accidents like these happen, and i didn’t see it so i took the entire mural village and namsan tower in very low quality yep so i’m really sad rn sigh

Anyway! After a long walk we finally found the area and cue touristy photos

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It was a whole bunch of stairs we had to keep climbing ogawd


Sometimes I wonder, with all the climbing i’ve been doing all around Sogang and around the city why have i not lost weight or become fitter yet sigh

oh yeah note to self: take pictures of Sogang campus. I realize I only have an overview from my room but i’d like some pictures to remember the campus in detail. Will miss it so much.


Attempting an artistic shot do not judge



This is super beautiful!!


There was this wall that an artist painted stating what do you want before you die? And if you look closely he/she wrote out the template 죽기전에나는 ________ 싶다 First phrase means “Before I die, I…” and after the blank, 싶다 means ‘want’ in Korean and well Korean being Korean all verbs are put at the end. Omg pls stop me from going on another Korean grammar lecture or rent ._.

Anyway the wall fascinated me because I was reading through some of the answers. Some answers were sad and some were funny. Someone wrote “I want to love”. And another wrote “I want another chance to live.” I really wanted to write something on that wall too, but I had no marker.



Touristy shots

We covered the place in about an hour or so? After all that climbing and stuff we finally headed back to Sinchon where we met Ting Yu and the Inha girls for dinner at this super tasty chicken stew restaurant!


That was Friday night and we headed home early to rest for the long weekend we planned ahead!