Day 9 and 10: Insadong and Grocery shopping (kinda)

Yumi woke me up at 10am and we headed down to Insadong! The thing about Koreans I noticed is that the girls really love to link arms, it’s like their way of feeling less awkward or something, about 5 min after walking Yumi started to do that with me and she hardly ever let go unless she needed to in the entire trip hahahaha.

We took a bus down to Insadong and chatted a little bit about ourselves. I found out she’s an illustrator and has already started publishing her works and selling them! I told her it’s difficult to be an illustrator in Singapore haha, and we’re mostly focused on the economy side. She’s here in Seoul for a holiday, her school would start again in March. She showed me pictures of Busan beaches and told me to call her if I go Busan in summer yay! ❤


A random palace-y stuff LOLLL she was so nice she kept asking me for permission to take my pictures everywhere~


Insadong! 🙂 I heard this place is famous for all the koreanish stuff and artsy fartsy goods.


We came by this really cool ice cream thingy that looks like a J and Yumi insisted on treating me to ice cream haha! I think she treated me so much like a little sister, perhaps because she has a younger sister herself. She was like an older sister i never had otl


J ice cream!! The shop owner was cheekily blocking us from taking photos of the machine, and afterwards decided to jump in shamelessly to my photo hahaha.


Yumi unnie! 🙂



In the middle of Insadong streets was this place called the Ssijibang! It’s like an area of artsy home made stuff, pretty cool but i only bought like postcards cuz everything else was extremely expensive.


Halfway walking we saw THIS REALLY CUTE RABBIT NAA;LDGLAKJG the owner let us snap some pics.





I feel bad for having eaten rabbits in Aussie


Saw this really cool place where they used recycled bottles to make clocks!


We explored every floor and eventually reached the rooftop.


we found this thingy at the rooftop, it looks like a bridge thing for couples to write their messages and tie it. Something like the lock key thing at namsan tower. Hahhaa.

And then we’re done! We walked back down and explored more things around the area before we sat down and talked a little more. She said she was meeting her primary school friends and one of them is a guy she used to like LOL and she was nervous. She waited with me for a while as I was supposed to meet Jasmine and her friends who arrived that day, and finally we parted! Will miss her so much 😦 The first korean friend and unnie i’ve made! Thank you unnie ❤ Will see ya at Busan and when you come to Singapore 😉 I told her when she come to SIngapore next year, i’ll be fluent in Korean and she will be fluent in English haha. She has only been learning english for 8 months but she’s making so much more progress than me! time to buck up!

Met Jasmine and her friends for a while and I followed them back to their dorm. Then I went home and decided to take a very long rest hahaha. The hostel had free ramyun so I ate that for dinner given I woke up kinda late from my very long rest LOL.

I told Sasha we didn’t manage to go shopping for blankets and all and she suggested we try tomorrow at Home Plus, a huge mega store at Hapjeong station. I recalled Ophi telling me about it, so I agreed and we set a time to go.

Day 10~ WOKE UP LATE LOL Sasha went partyig the night before. We had breakfast really late and took our time, and finally left the house late afternoon xD I invited Belen, another girl from Spain (?) i ferrget sorry.. Yep so we walked to Hapjeong station and found the Home Plus store easily. I LOVE Home Plus!! It’s like Tesco, Giant, etc. Finally a supermarket! We scouted the blanket areas and I managed to get a blanket for 19,900 won ($23 ish)! It was sooooo comfy and fluffy hahahha ❤ I also got a pillow for 7200 won ($8+) but it’s not the best pillow ever since it’s fluffy but it doesn’t sink in… like idk how to say this LOL but yeah it’s not the best but still it’s at a great price!


Patri who left a few days ago came back to visit at the hostel with a new Korean girl LOL. She is super nice but also a little tipsy, very amusing to watch. She thought I was Korean at first and started talking to me in Korean, then got so apologetic when she found out I wasn’t Korean. I think probably the alcohol was at work, but she was so friendly and we even exchanged numbers and she said she’ll call us out some day. OTL I think she might have woken up the next day looking at her contacts and thinking ‘who’s michelle srsly’

Met this italian guy! Also a Sogang kid, except he’s doing masters. Chatted with him for a while after Patri and his GF left, and Nisa and Sasha went out to eat together.

That’s all for today, long overdue post!