[Cafe Hopping] Seven Bricks Coffee @ Edae, Jeons Coffee @ Sinchon

Seven Bricks Coffee @ Edae

I found one of my favorite cafes again! Haha i love discovering cafes i know i will love from first sight, and a cafe i mark into my list of cafes that i will visit more than once, given the opportunity.

I went to Seven Bricks mainly because Sheryl mentioned it off-handedly saying she liked it because of the open smoking corner, when we were on the way to the waffle place at night to celebrate the end of High Tech MKTG project. Then Lineatte, Karin and I decided to go the next day to study since i also needed to chiong for my Korean exam~~




Although it’s fairly smaller than most other cafes of its type, since it only has one floor, it was nice and comfortable, with ample power points, wifi and a clean toilet. Most cafes in Korea are actually this way, made to be so comfortable you can stay the entire day~ i’m going to miss this a lot because the cafes in Singapore don’t always have wifi, rarely has power points and never really have clean toilets within the cafes themselves. I mean Coffee Bean where i usually go to to do work only has two power points in the entire cafe! 😦 and the wifi breaks a lot.


Not a good picture of the menu because it was back-lit haha, but anyways my point of showing the menu is not so much to show what drinks they have on the menu, but more of the price and the refill. Their prices are slightly more affordable on average with a latte costing 4000 won (most other cafes range 4500-5500 won) and I noticed the little refill sectino at the bottom for only 1000 won!!!! O.O I didn’t get the chance to try or ask what the refill was for because i ordered a smoothie that day, but if my assumption is right that they allow refills of the drinks in that entire section, i’ll be damned!!!! add 1000 won for a refill of cafe latte??? YES. YES. Since this cafe closes at 12am, i might visit real soon again to study and discover what the refill is for xD Although I doubt it’s that amazing, it’s probably a refill for their regular coffee or americano~ Not the first cafe i’ve seen with a refill option but the first cafe that didn’t say it’s just for americano! Well I’ll find out soon, hopefully, if I return!

When we were studying halfway this bunch of people walked in and looked like they were filming something. I peered at the main ‘artist’ and concluded she isn’t a celebrity or anything, i think they’re shooting some fashion show or blog interview or smth. Regardless, it was a professional setup so I sneaked a pic despite the glares the manager/editor/assistant/director/etc was shooting at me.


They got chased out after 2 hours or so lmao because i believe for shoots like this you should book the place. I’ve encountered a photoshoot before at some cafe and they were turning customers away because the place was booked. But the team here just filmed to their hearts’ content without booking and only bought a drink so after a while the staff came over and asked if they were almost done. Haha. I think it’s nice enough of him to let them shoot at all and for a decent period of time too.

That’s about it for 7 bricks! Love this cafe! ❤

How to get to Seven Bricks Coffee: Seven Bricks is just outside Ewha Womans University station! Walk out of the station via Exit 1 and you’ll see Watsons and Cafe 7 Gram just a little away from the station. Seven Bricks is next door on the second floor.

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전광수 Coffee House (Jeons Coffee) @ Edae

On Saturday, I went with Jasmine for an ‘intense’ Korean language learning session because the BF was going to arrive the morning after so I needed to finish as much of my revision as possible. We decided to head over to a cafe we spotted the other time on the way to Table A~ It’s called Jeons Coffee in English!



‘The best coffee in Sinchon’ is debatable though lol

Typically people pay their bills after they bought the coffee though, we didn’t know so the staff were quite paiseh also haha


little private corners!

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Wouldn’t say it’s my most favorite cafe because it’s a little smaller and it doesn’t feel like a study cafe kinda thing, more of a nice place to hangout and chill! Also the whole service thing with the staff coming in to take your orders from the table and you paying the bill afterwards has always been less comfortable for me because i feel burdened to leave. I like cafes wherei can get a drink, go upstairs and sit in a corner and take my time to do my work/relax and just you know, blend in, and not draw any attention or whatever.

How to get to Jeons Coffee: I went Jeons Coffee via Edae so i had this impression it was in Edae but it’s actually Sinchon branch haha. Anyway you can walk out from either exit 4 of Sinchon or exit 1 of Edae and walk along the main road towards Jeons Coffee. Map below.

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