Jeollanam Province pt. 2: Suncheon and Boseong

Part 2 of Jeollanam is here! This time we actually woke up early in Suncheon and headed to Boseong first via train, before returning to Suncheon to finish up. This is mainly because there are no buses from Boseong headed to Seoul, eventually you’d have to stop by Suncheon or somewhere else first!

So we woke up at the hostel and grabbed some toast and coffee quickly before crossing the road (luckily it’s just across the road) to the train station~ Bought a 7+am ticket to Boseong. It was only about 4000won and it was an hour ride. I was secretly fascinated although I’ve ridden trains like these a lot in Japan, but it’s been some time and i love these kinds of trains~


Dining/lounge area!


Our cabin ^^

Boseong – Green Tea Plantation

After reaching Boseong, we headed to the bus stop right outside the train station to take a bus to the green tea plantation. Boseong isn’t that big so don’t worry~


The bus schedule to Boseong Green Tea Plantation if you’re curious~


How the bus stop looks like from opposite the road

The bus driver will call out for Green Tea Plantation in Korean and also probably everyone gets down here so don’t worry~ We followed the crowd in, past the carpark, and up the little hill into a foresty area. Once in you’ll see the ticketing booth along side a pretty looking cafe~


IMG_1365 the way up


Beautiful green tea plantation~






im a bunny

It took maybe 45 min max as we only climbed up mid-point and not all the way! We headed back down and decided to stop by the rest area that we passed by on the way in.


The cafe sold really odd things like Green Tea Jjajjangmyeon, Green Tea Bibimbap, Fried rice… you name it they got it in green tea. Lol. We only got the ice cream and shake at the little store next to the big cafe/dining place.


This was super good!!! THe day before actually one of the Koreans told us not to try any of the green tea products there because it sucked, but I’m like no?? did he try from some other store or something (there are many ice cream shops around the area, including the ones next to the carpark before entering Boseong). This particular one we tried was super delicious, the green tea was fresh but not too overpowering!! <333333 I don’t even like green tea that much but this was really ❤ I can still remember the taste vividly!

On the way back to Boseong station we were mildly confused, we actually had to cross the road via the tunnel to the bus stop opposite. Here’s how it looks:


Don’t get lost!! Haha.

We headed back to Boseong and got a bit lost finding the train station again haha. A kind pair of father and son heped us find our way back~ We bought the ticket and grabbed some quick lunch at a Korean branch restaurant haha. These branches are everywhere throughout Seoul and apparently throughout Korea too, lol we could recognize it from far. It’s like the food court of Korea, they basically sell every typical Korean food, from ramen to bibimbap to fried rice to jjigae to ddeokbokki. But i always heave a sigh of relief when i see these branches because i know i can trust their affordability and taste even though some of them use ramen seasoning xD


classic korean food~

Suncheon – Open Filmset

After that we headed back to Suncheon via train and took a bus down to the bus terminal after stopping by to ask the tourist info how to get there. When you get down at the bus stop that says bus terminal, you have to walk backwards to find the bus station. We walked further ahead after stopping and got a bit lost and two Korean girls had to bring us back haha.  We bought our tickets back and then went back to the bus terminal bus stop and took a bus to the filmset. You can see it on the sign board too, just look out for 드라마세트 decided to go to the filmset! it’s apparently a filmset used to film older dramas from the 80s.


entrance to filmset


Got a shock seeing the queue for the ticket.

This is not a very nice thing to say in public LOL but because the queue was so long we just went in. No one was checking the tickets cuz it was crowded xD


eating ‘traditional’ corndog



bus stopz

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View from the bottom of the ‘shackles’


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demurely cleaning up


questioning existence

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It didn’t take that long to finish unless you wanna do a lot of photoshoots haha. Then we headed back to the bus terminal to take another bus to Suncheon Bay!

Suncheon Bay

You can only take one bus to Suncheon Bay, bus 66. The frequency is also very rare like half an hour distance, and when the bus came it was crowded like Singapore buses. So I think it’s better to go Suncheon Bay earlier, we went around 5pm and i think everyone wanted to go to see the sunset although it was cloudy that day so a sunset was actually not likely. Anyway the frequency was about half an hour so when we couldn’t get on the first one we were thinking of taking a cab. Then these two girls from China started asking us if we’re going Suncheon bay so we all took a cab together~ we paid only 2000 won per person which isn’t very far from bus fare ^^ luckily we found them.


the entrance!

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kinda useless spiral thing that serves to show us the view at the top only haha


gone w the wind


And we’re done!

We crossed back out and found the bus stop:

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From here bus 66 and 67 goes! Luckily it came quickly and we could take it back!

Went back to the bus station and dropped by Cafe le Monde after eating because we had time~ It was a superr pretty cafe! Really liked it. I forgot the name now but i have the sleeve i’ll refer back to it. it was opposite the bus station! The owner was also really pretty and nice~

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There was a spot where you could write messages and everyone was writing about Suncheon. So me and Sheryl left our little note behind about our journey and thanking the cafe ^^

It was a nice chill session and also let’s not forget charging phones session hahahaha.

Finally it was time to go back to Seoul! By the time we reached the bus terminal though it was so late that there were no more buses back and we had to take a taxi. The taxi stand queue was super long and we were stressed out at first, heading to the main roads to take a cab but after that realizing that there’s no point as the cabs don’t stop for us. We resorted to staying in the super long queue, but the queue moved really fast thankfully.

That’s it for Jeollanam pt 2~~~~