College Life in Seoul: Week 10

Featured this week (separate post):
Cafe – Brit’s Farm

It’s been a lazy week haha. Besides the weekend crazy road trip which I will blog about soon, i didn’t get much done in terms of work or traveling. Monday was spent lazying around and on Tuesday I attempted to get out of the house, dropping by Gwanghwamun to help goatie Nat buy her Apink album and after that walking around Myeongdong in vain. Didn’t find a single thing :<

Wednesday too was lazy. After our visit to beautiful Brit’s Farm, and a looooong day at school, I met Sheryl and Zenn for dinner at some Hamburger place that i wouldn’t recommend and thus wouldn’t write about lulz, and walked around edae just wandering. I ended up buying a pair of earrings for myself with the intention of repiercing my ear by myself at the dorm, and a manwon bag. It’s called manwon bag because it costs only 10000won which is about $12. Haha. They have a good collection though! You can find these shops everywhere throughout Edae and I’d dare say it’s a must-visit HAHAHA.

On the way back we encountered an area of vigil for the victims of Sewol. I picked up a ribbon and wrote my message for the kids, and got the ribbon to put on my shirt. It’s still a rather emotional matter for me, but i won’t harp on it here. We saw those ribbons in both Sinchon and Edae.

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Thursday was supposedly a girl’s day out and we went shopping at Myeongdong (again, for me lol) and again, i couldn’t find anything. God why!! Maybe i’ve become so stingy with my money lol i become so critical when i look at clothes, refusing to spare a second look if i know i will only wear them once in a while and not often enough. I also think twice, thrice and end up not buying anything lol. But i have been prowling around gmarket lots though, have bought a couple of items, and still have some on my cart that i’m still thinking whether or not to check out xD Fortunately thte other girls found things to buy though!

Friday was again… chill day…  I had a huge scare in which i left my wallet at Cafe May and i was so panicked and devastated, with Sheryl following me and all (thanks unnir <3) It was a slow Friday and I just headed out for dinner with Sheryl at a local Korean restaurant in Sinchon that sells really nice affordable soondubu that’s not made with Ramen seasoning (a lot of the cheaper chain branches in Korea use ramen seasoning and you can tell clearly). Often it’s hard to predict because they are all priced about 4500won to 6000won.

Like i said this was a very quiet week and i think the weeks following will be quiet as well due to tons of assignments piling up and a very important Korean exam coming up haha. It’s kinda becoming stressful OTL i guess i can’t travel out anymore on my free days…

But anyways, a hectic post is coming up, the post about us traveling Jeolla province!! Well not all, we just went to Yeosu Suncheon and Boseong, but we did it in two days so yep i’m gonna write a pretty detailed post on that so wait for it~~ it will take me some time to compile all the pictures and remember all the details haha.

[Cafe Hopping] Brit’s Farm @ Hongdae

Today was a lazy week, as you can see I only covered ground on one cafe .___.

Nevertheless, it was a super worthy cafe, loved it! It was on Wednesday, our typical cafe hopping day, and I decided to bring Jasmine to this cafe we saw the other day called Brit’s Farm, it looked super pretty and I wasn’t disappointed!


Brit’s farm directly opposite tthe entrance of Hongik University!!



For nice warm days~


Really really love the decor!!


Attempt at artistic shot


Smoking area~

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Okay this is really one of my favorite cafe finds in Seoul ❤ Power plugs and wifi availble too!!

The drinks weren’t expensive too, around 4500won. I expected it to be kinda like Namu Cafe aorund 6000won, but I guess because this is opposite a university after all.

How to get to Brit’s Farm: From Hongik Univ Exit 9, head straight until you see a T-junction, then turn left. You will pass Caffe Inbus on the way which I talked about as well haha, and keep on walking until you see the entrance of Hongik Univ. Brit’s cafe will be directly opposite the entrance.