Crashing at Amber’s place (4-days mass update~)

Personal mass update! Long story short, the goshiwon ditched me so i was forced to find accommodation elsewhere. 😦 That’s the thing bout Goshiwons, never be totally certain even when you’ve paid your deposit. Unless you book it really early and can claim priority over everyone else. For me, because i was supposed to take over a tenant, that tenant had priority. She extended her stay nad i was kicked out. UGH. Because I was kinda bitter that i have to spend more now on a guesthouse (the goshiwon was as cheap as about 11,000 won per night, less than $15), i ended up asking Amber if i could crash at her place for four days until i go busan, and then check into my new accommodation at MORI Guesthouse. She said okay thankfully! So for the next couple of days I crashed at Amber’s house. It was great fun although we weren’t together most of the time. It’s nice to stay in a proper Korean apartment for a while, be in a residential area and stay with a great friend who always has stories to tell about her life xD SHe lived in Bongcheon which is in between Gangnam and Sinchon, along the green line. Because Amber was out with her new 썸 ‘SOME’ (a korean term for a guy you’re seeing but not dating officially.. at least not yet), I met Sheryl for one last dinner before she goes back to Singapore. It was good to be back in Korea after being in Japan not understanding a single word 😦 Figured if i was going to crash at Amber’s place, i should get my own groceries right??


Milk and a bunch of bread for the next 4 days breakfast! Ultimate budget~~

At least i didn’t live on bread and water. Had a good loooooooong rest that night and woke up in the afternoon of Wednesday. Haha. Amber was busy with her work and i had nothing on till night time where i was due to meet Jinho oppa and Sooyoung unnie, two koreans i met while on language exchange. Crashed at Coffeenie nearby for a couple of hours before meeting the oppa/unnir. It was kinda in an ulu location near their uni haha. They brought Zenn and I to eat galguksu (soup noodles) with kimchi, pork and tofu. Haha. Together with makegeolli (rice wine)!! 😀 Sooo delicious! 2014-07-02-19-29-03_photo   Chatted for a bit in Korean and then we moved to another pub for more drinks. Well I can’t dirnk lots so we ended up ordering fruit soju! First time for me as well! 😀 Seriously i’m leaving Korea with no regrets about what i iddn’t try and stuff xD


Strawberry soju! Delicious`


Fruit Soju with… erm not sure what that was that they ordered, it was a chicken dish with rice balls. Super duper yummy!

I become really oblivious when I go out with Koreans haha. Because usually with Singaporeans I feel obliged to be the one ordering, the one talking to the staff etc, the one who should know more. Maybe because i’m more familiar with the language, so i always feel that obligation/responsibility even when nobody actually held me responsible haha. But with Koreans i’m like yay locals i can sit back and not have to worry about communicating effectively. Haha. Thus it also makes me kinda oblivious to the stuff that they order which is bad because i hate not remembering what i ate or drank 😦 Thank you unnie and oppa for the great food and company and helping us with our Korean all the time! 🙂 Thank you for not speaking any slower or treating us as any less competent than another local Korean. We don’t always get what you say 100% of the time, but we catch most of it and we’re grateful that even though we may not be able to reply as fluently, we feel like we’re truly locals when we’re with you guys!! ❤ And thanks for always taking care of us and treating us like real dongsaengs hahaha. Thursday was another late-waking up day. What’s new haha! Had dinner plans with the rest for a final farewell to Sheryl, but had nothing to do. Ended up contacting Sheryl and Zenn beforehand to see if they wanna go Hyehwa with me! Went with Zenn in the end and settled down at Waffle Lui. We met the rest for dinner at a BBQ place that sheryl recommended, called 구이미소 which I THINK literally translates to ‘grill smile’ hahahaha. I admire Sheryl honestly because of the entire group, she has the least knowledge of Korean, not being able to read or understand anything except the basic ‘thank you’ and her favorite foods. But she’s always the most adventurous and the one who ends up discovering the most places and eating the best things, because she’s always ready to get out there against her comfort zone 🙂


Tsk these kids


Love how they provide this space to put our bags!



Sheryl doesn’t like pork so for our table we ordered beef!


Yumz 😀

The bean paste stew was only 1000 won and was VERY DELICIOUS D: i don’t know why i don’t have a picture of it tbh. After that of course because it’s summer, it’s Patbingsoo time!!!! Usually our favorite hangout place is at Homilbat, but because Sheryl prefers the nut based patbingsoo (err i forgot what it’s called rn but if i recall i’ll update), we went to 팥미옥 (Pat Mi Ok) 100% Red Bean Handmade. Hahahahaha. Homilbat sells only fruit bingsoo, milk, coffee and green tea.


haha these kids so cute


Mango based and nut based!

Chatted for a very long time and selfied a lot too. Awesome last time spent for Sheryl 🙂 On Friday i had nothing much to do again so went to Express bus terminal to buy our tickets to Busan, and then went back to that same cafe! Did some work for my dad and nua-ed around fo a bit and then went back to pack and rest because it was busan the next day! Random but i wanna post a picture of the ramyun i ate at Express Bus Terminal. The ramyuns they sell at restaurants over here are freaking amazing. Can’t compare to the packet Korean ramyuns we eat. I need to know the brand D: 2014-07-04-13-07-19_photo And then on to Busan 😀 Can’t wait to blog about Busan!!